[Preplayed with The Ears, miiiiiildly NWS.]
Candlelight, for those of you playing at home, actually is quite romantic when someone without the potential for facial hair removal lights said candles. So is food, when someone brings it to your door and it doesn't involve onions or raw fish.
Someone have a plan? Possssssibly.
Was it working?
Well, they were past dinner and no instances of complete flailure
so far...
...it seemed to be working rather well.
Of course, this was all managed by simply Not Talking About It. So the level of healthy to their relationship left something to be desired.
But Merlin wasn't objecting. And not simply because he was far too busy kissing Francine to do so!
Well, they'd tried healthy! ...Sort of. They're tried the talking part, anyway. And it just led to flaaaaaaail and slamming of books and frankly? Chapter numbers were Not Sexy no matter what was contained within them.
Francine, for her part, was perfectly happy to be using her mouth for Other Things.
But it was slightly dirty. For once.
Merlin may very well be on his way to second base there. If only he understood baseball to get the metaphor. There were simply some things that he did not ever need to know.
Francine wasn't so much into the baseball metaphors either, which is probably a good thing, because she'd be concentrating on trying to figure out whether what happened after Prom was second or third, instead of slipping her hands under Merlin's shirt and around his back.
Which was second, for the record.
Clothing remained on and there was no touching below the belt, so second it was.
Even if one of his hands was very slowly creeping up along her side, under the shirt. Again, this only worked because they weren't talking about it.
Mmm, psychologically healthy.
Oh pfft; who needed mental health. They'd got along just fine without it so far. Or, you know, the last seventeen years in Francine's case.
No objections to the creepage voiced - or had, but voiced was the important part, right? Instead she noted her general approval by lowering her head and pressing kisses against his jawline, this time. Fair was only fair.
And Merlin was... magical. In the funny way.
He grinned, pushing her back against the bed gently as he reached the mysterious undergarment that ladies wore here. Yes, the bra was even more unknown to him than most other men. The odds of it being removed without help? Slim to none.
Francine's was rather excessively fortified, by necessity. And it was a really good thing they weren't Talking About It because she'd probably say something dumb like I thought you were a professional at taking people's clothes off and it would all end in wailing and gnashing of teeth and possibly a broken nose.
She could help with that, though. She could even unbutton her blouse with a minimum of fumbling, if not of red-facedness, and guide his fingers to that most magical and wondrous of holy feminine places1 -- the front-hook closure.
1: Made you look. Perv.
Merlin rather liked his nose unbroken, thank you. So he continued as he was, blissfully unaware of any thoughts of him being an expert at this. Because... really now. That would be almost laughable. If you weren't Merlin.
His hand moved in the vague direction of the mythical closure, but paused--predictably--over one breast. Because that was far more important.
Francine attempted to channel every ounce of FLAIL her nervous system was currently producing into one single location. It was better for both of their health, honestly. It also resulted in a twitch of one eyebrow that might, to some, have looked like either a challenge, or an invitation.
Or, you know, a seizure, but let a girl have hope.
Well, Merlin couldn't exactly say which definitively, but he did pause enough give her a slightly concerned look. Because seizures, in his experience with Gaius, lead to death or some sort of odd disease that he couldn't pronounce.
Right. Subtle, somewhat out of place here. She kept forgetting that. Ditch the twitch, then, and go for placing her hand directly over his. Hopefully that couldn't be mistaken for anything but encouragement.
...nope. Not mistaken for a thing other than what it was. Merlin blinked down at her once owlishly before taking that as a reason to kiss her again. This time with perhaps a bit more enthusiasm than before.
Right, so she was developing a list of rules. Well, more like guidelines, really. Talking -- beyond the occasional mm-hmm or that's good or inappropriately italicized name -- no. Subtle -- no. Waiting for Merlin to make the next move... ahahahaha.
So okay. Unsubtle, silent, and making the next move. Which was Francine's other hand splaying across his back, then furthur on down.
He was trying! Really now, this wasn't nearly as easy as the book made it seem. Well, the thinky bits. The touching seemed to happen rather on instinct.
He took just a tiny bit of initiative and pulled his hand away from her face to join the other in solving the mystery of the bra. It was a terrible design if it was meant to be a sort of chastity belt for the chest. All one had to do is slip a hand down the top bit and there were breasts!
...oh dear, he really shouldn't think about where his hands were now.
Someday they would have to have a talk about the actual purpose of the bra. ....Or perhaps not.
He probably shouldn't think too deeply about where Francine's hand was now either, since it was carefully sliding down the back of his pants. Not subtle, just careful. She didn't want to break a finger or something.
It also should not cross his mind just who did that last.
So, perhaps if he was just a bit more assertive in his kisses and touches, it was just the extra zeal of... her also touching his bony arse. His breathing picked up just a bit as he moved his lips away from hers to address that whole bit about kissing other places on a woman.
First up? Francine's neck leading down to her shoulder. Only a bit awkwardly.
Bony whatever; like she had anything to compare it to. All Francine knew was it was warm skin under her hand and also that she was in fact TOUCHING A BOY IN A NON-PUBLIC TOUCHING AREA and not freaking out about it except for that little bit there which Merlin should pretend not to notice. Just write the sudden intake of breath off to a reaction to the kissing. please.
She was simply lucky that he was far too busy dealing with the determination to think about things that one should while doing this. Because there was a girl he was very much attracted to in bed with him and they were actually going to do something if this kept up.
And then promptly fell forward as he lost his balance thanks to hands and skin and many things!
"Sorry," He muttered, very quickly and sheepishly righting himself by moving one hand away from her chest.
That was going to have to go on the banned words list, Francine decided. They could have a sorry jar that you had to drop a quarter into every time you got caught saying it.
Shh, she'd go broke before he would, yes.
"Shush." She leaned up and reached for the back of his neck to pull him down again.
"Oh." Merlin went along far too easily. "Kay."
Kissing her back, Merlin did the utterly girly thing and grinned over this. because they hadn't had a massive freak out yet! It was a red letter day for the diary that didn't exist. Despite Cal's insistence.
Since she had a hand free now (the one that had previously been red-lettering it up in Places Girls Don't Put Their Hands In Public) Francine figured why not put it to good use. Not at all because if someone didn't open the catch on her bra for him, he'd never figure it out. She was just helping.
Oh. Merlin moved his hand away to let her get to that, running it up and down her side out of nervous energy. He bit his lip, just watching her for a moment because... this was different. And nice.
Mostly nice.
Her fingers were actually the only thing holding it closed now, since Francine really was an expert at, you know. Taking off her own clothes. She paused, though, breathless for a moment, and looked up at him.
Don't talk don't talk don't talk don't talk don't--
"Yes?" Oh, this was a romantic moment. And them.
He was preparing to have a broken nose.
"What-- I mean. Um. Sorry." *Plink* Twenty-five cents in the jar. "What're you doing with your foot? I mean! It's not bad! Just uh. New."
"Thing with my foot---" Merlin looked down at his perfectly stationary feet and saw... "Don't move. We have squirrels."
Oh dear. That was not not moving.
That was flailing.
That was flailing when the only thing holding her bra closed was the one of the both hands she was currently flailing with.
Oh dear.
Merlin really should have remembered the bit about a broken nose because-- CRACK --there it went. "Fwancine!"
"Oh! Ohmigod. Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry oh crap, sweetie are you okay? Sorry! Sorry!"
She now owed the jar a buck seventy-five. And there were squirrels staring at her.
"Ids alride!" Merlin tried to insist, clutching his nose to keep the blood to a minimum. It took a moment to very carefully enunciate, "I'm fine."
Francine rounded on the squirrels, shaking her finger. "See what you made me do?"
One of them stared so hard, it fell over sideways.
Merlin stared for a moment too, ignoring the slowing flow of blood because. Um.
"Fradcine?" He said as delicately as he could manage at the moment, crouching down to grab an old shirt off the floor to cover her with. It was going to be far, far too small if she wore it.
Well, small in a certain area.
"Wha?" She looked down. "Oh. Oh God."
Don't say it. Don't say it.
And then there was only the
[Preplayed with The Ears, miiiiiildly NWS.]