(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 12:07

I should update this more... well, hmm what has happened. Nothing really. I went to the Fall Out Boy consert a few weeks ago. It really wasnt as amazing as I thought it was gonna be. Like, Fall Out Boy is an OK band, but I liked them a LOT better when I bought the ticket way back in like...September. But I wrote all about it on my MySpace blog.

School isnt going all that well. Im not doing good in my math class at all. I just dont understabd it at all. Like, people will explain it to me, and I understand it then. But then when I go to do it on my own I forget everything! Also, I dont know how to convert th e examples on how to do it, to the real problem. So I just dont catch on. It really sucks. In November I have to re-take the Math MCAS too...so I hope I understand it then, and I also hope Im not sick again too. That day was horrible*

Well, Britt came over Friday. It was fun. We basically sat in my room for an hour doing nothing, and laughing at everything. And I pretended to be a bandit and she was like..a muslum or something. It was funny though. And then we wanted to go to the football game and we met Dave. But on the way there Britt was scared that Michael Meyers was going to get us!! Only cause I told her about a scary dream that I had (that I wont mention)and He was in it. And we were walking near these scary bushes and Britt thought he was hiding in there. So we walked in the middle of the road. But Cars kept coming!! haha.. Yeah but it was pouring all night, and we walked to the Middle School to go to the game. The Team won by a lot whick was weird cause they never win. But it was boring cause the band wasnt there. Well, Ashley and rachel showed up then all of us got wicked cold and we went into the school so get warm. Then Cait came when the game ended. And all of us walked up to Pizza Factory and got some food and hung around there for like...an hour! But it was fun. I just felt bad cause all of us were hanging out and Amanada was working till 9:30..but she was just all alone. Oh well..lol.

Well, thats enough. Bye!!

i couldnt take my test so i rushed throu, ******that day i got really sick during

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