Feb 01, 2004 19:35
Well after 4 months of lieing and feeling like crap..i confessed to kat what i did, which was cheat on her..was it fuckd up what i did YEA..do i regret it oh hell ya..do i wish it was sumthin i never did yea most definite..but i did it and i don't even have a good reason as to why i did it, i can understand that if your her friend and you kno me that after this your all gunna hate me..which is ok i can understand that b/c she can do much better than me..she deserves a guy who won't be annoying,who she won't have worry if they are gunna cheat on her..a guy who is much better looking, and a guy that her parents will like..and most of all a guy that she can be happy with for a long time..that used to be me i guess but hey i f'ed all that up and now i am paying the consequences and there is nuthing i can do..all i can do is ask that yall will forgive me over time and hope that everything will go back to normal..i learned my lesson the hardway and the best advice i got is don't do what i did cuz the pain and hurting and loss isn't worth it..right now i wanna be left alone and not talk about this and i want everything to go back to normal, and i want all of my problems to go away like a bad memory..i tried do hard to forget all this but it all came back and ate me up inside and i have felt like shit since i did it..Kat all i want is for you to be happy in life, and for you to be able to forgive me for all this hurt and pain and maybe we can be friends? This hurts so much knowing that i caused all this pain and hurt...but there is nuthing i can do other than say I am sorry and pray that yall will forgive me..