Mar 16, 2006 17:06
hahaha um so...rachel gave me a livejournal "nudge" so i guess i'll update
not much to say...okay week i guess. i am going to sargent camp next week which is either going to be awesome or completely suck. i am leaning towards the completely sucking because 1)i tend to be a negative person with those sorts of things and 2)i had a dream i went and it sucked and my dreams have a tendency of coming at least partially true...
i don't even know the last time i updated so i have no clue what exactly has happened since then...
so yeah. last friday night was fun-it was last friday i think. i can't keep track of anything. i have a serious need to go back to space all of the sudden for some reason. but no one will be there this year so it'll probably suck...except ingrid is going. but liza will probably convince her that i'm a bitch and then she won't talk to me can someone find other people to go? there is like...NO ONE.
anyway i think i am going to go now cause i have nothing to say
xoxo tori
ps...who made my icon thing? what the fuck is up with that?