(no subject)

Oct 11, 2004 15:46

"Unbelievable Acres"
-a real tropical rainforest in West Palm Beach, Florida

Appeal For Your Help

Gene Joyner, an agriculture extension agent for Palm Beach County, has built a real tropical rainforest in the middle of West Palm Beach. Gene has planted everything himself, and this marvelous attraction has been featured nationally and internationally on various television programs.

Gene is a wonderfully generous man, who opens up his home and lands to the public on a regular basis, and has offered to open this up to our classes, as requested. A fieldtrip was scheduled for Sept. 7, and Gene agreed to meet with the class at our convenience.

Unfortunately, before the fieldtrip, "Unbelievable Acres" was heavily damaged by hurricane winds, uprooting and toppling huge trees, as well as ripping up smaller plants. Gene Joyner, who has devoted over 30 years to making this a joyous gift to South Florida, is now in urgent need of help.

If you can spare any time, for clearing trees, or any other work,
please call Unbelievable Acres at: 561-233-2754.

If you can spare any money, in any amount, please make your tax-deductible contribution to
Unbelievable Acres Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 2695
W. Palm Beach, FL

Please know that all contributions; even $5, if that's all you can spare, are greatly appreciated.

Note: Helping Gene to clear the place is a wonderful opportunity to help and to learn; but only if you dress for it. I recommend closed shoes, a hat, plenty of drinking water, and plenty of mosquito repellant. The climate really does feel like a tropical rainforest; bugs and all.
Guests are welcome; bring your friends!

Travel Directions:

Take the Florida Turnpike North to the Southern Boulevard exit.(about 40 miles from Ft. Lauderdale).

Go East for about 1 mile, and turn left (North) on Jog Road. Note: if you prefer I-95, go West about 3 miles to Jog Rd.

At the 3rd Street (3/10 mile), turn right on Alexander Road.

Follow to the end.

If you have trouble finding it, call
Gene Joyner, 561-686-6687.

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