(no subject)

May 20, 2004 20:51

everything is seriously awesome.
its been beautiful out and summer is so close.
i havent been this happy in such a long time. (♥)

we had a open dress rehersal today in drama.
tavie broke ALL the glasses on the table in one of her and josh's scene's and it was hillarious.
we had to stop the play.
its all going really well though, so come tomorrow.
7pm. traip gym. 2 bucks.

went with a bunch of seniors today to visit ian last block.
he's home and up and moving.
it was good to see him and see he's alright.

something else cool happened today, but i cant remember what.
oh yeah.

sorry its sideways.
im too lazy to fix it :D

i cant find the valentines day mix tori made me though.
and that does not rule.
because that has to be one of the best mixes ever created by ANYONE.

my mom and i have been talking about berkely a lot.
her and a lot of other people ive talked to have said they think i could get in, and i would love that.
but, still, im afraid of getting my hopes up to just be shot down because i feel that im still SO naive and un-experianced when it comes to music.
but that is honestly all i want to do.
any advice/comments/no way maddie forget its?
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