(no subject)

Dec 23, 2004 10:28

A - Age: 14
B - Band: dashboard confessional
C - Choice Of Meat: hamburger
D - Dream Date:
E - Excites You: friends, presents, boys
F - Favorite Food: orange chicken, pasta, cheeseburgers

G - Greatest Gift: my friends
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: theres alot
I - Internal Conflicts: uhh idk?
J - Jealous: ya
K - Kool Aid: watermelon

L - Love: definitley

M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: friends and family
N - Name: Jessica
O - Outfit: right now, pajamas
P - Pizza Topping: cheese
Q - Question I Want to ask: does everything happen for a reason
R - really cool super human ability: that i want- read minds

S - Sport To Watch: swimming
T - TV Show: 7th heaven, the OC, laguna beach, ER

V - View From The Window: street, old ppl neighbors
W - Weather: cold
Y - Yesterday's Best Meal: barros pizza

Z - Zodiac sign: cancer

Last Cigarette: never
Last Kiss: few weeks ago

Last Cry: dont remember

Last Library Book Checked Out: i cant even remember that far back
Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: ummm the incredibles

Last Book Read: to kill a mocking bird
Last Cuss Word Said: fuck

Last Beverage Drank: water
Last Food Consumed: cheese sticks
Last Phone Call: david

Last TV Show Watched: country music videos
Last Time Showered: yesterday
Last Shoes Worn: old navy flip flops
Last Soda Drank: dr pepper
Last Thing Written: this
Last Words Spoken: bye babe

Last Sleep: like 1 hour ago
Last IM: carl

Last Ice Cream Eaten: cookie dough
Last Time Wanting to Die: never wanted to?
Last Time Dancing: yesterday
Last Big Car Ride: california?
Last Crush: no comment
Last Annoyance: ***
Last Disappointment: idk
Last Time Scolded: everyday
Last Web Site Visited: My Space

:x: piercing = ears
:x: tattoos = none
:x: height = 5'8
:x: shoe size = 9
:x: hair color = brown
:x: siblings = 3

:x: game you rented = dont rent games
:x: game you bought = umm idk
:x: band you listened to = green day
:x: song that was stuck in your head = where were you--allan jackson
:x: cd you bought = ummm kenney chesney
:x: cd you listened to = haha aaron carter. shut up.
:x: person you've called = david
:x: person that's called you = david
:x: tv show you've watched = country music videos
:x: person you were thinking of = steph
:x: friend you made = traycie. :]

:x: you have a crush on someone: yeah
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = kinda...
:x: you think about suicide = no
:x: you believe in online dating = no
:x: others find you attractive = ask them?
:x: you want more piercings = yeah
:x: you drink = not hardcore
:x: you do drugs = no
:x: you smoke = no
:x: you like cleaning = with music
:x: you like roller coasters = most definitley
:x: you write in cursive or print = print

:x: long distance relationship: depends
:x: suicide = against
:x: killing people = against
:x: teenage smoking = idk
:x: doing drugs = idk
:x: driving drunk = againist
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: as long as im not involved in them
:x: soap operas = againist

:x: song: of the day... jay-z linkin park numb
:x: thing to do = hang out with friends..swim...eat..have fun
:x: thing to talk about = everything
:x: sports = swim and gymnsatics
:x: drink = coke and water and milk
:x: clothes = hollister
:X: movies = parent trap :]
:x: singer = shania twain
:x: holiday = christmas, bday and halloween

:x: ever cried over a girl = yeah
:x: ever cried over a boy = yeah
:x: ever lied to some = yeah
:x: ever been in a fist fight = not that i remember?

:x: shampoo do you use = garnier fructis
:x: shoes do you wear = addidas, old navy, nike, roxy
:x: are you scared of = death, spiders,bugs, anything creepy

:x: of drugs taken illegally? = 0
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = a lot
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = a couple haha
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? more then 10?
x: of scars on my body? = definitley alot

props to the loveley stepheni stadnik
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