Apr 22, 2006 02:48
1. What are your top 5 insults?
If I had a dog that had your face, I'd shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards.
As far as you are concerned, Hitler might have been right.
Oh shit, THAT'S your mom?
I was gonna be your father, but the brotha in the other tree had more bananas. He got to your mom first.
You don't know Tank?
2. What job would you like to get over the next 10 years and kind of traumatic steps must you take to get there?
Tactical outfitter to the world. Trauma: Military life for a good long time.
3. What job will you probably be doing instead?
Military. I hope.
4. If you could destroy any single group of people on the planet, which would it be?
The hipster filth of the world. And Nazis.
5. In the garden or in the dirt?
Depends on where I left your mom.....