Feb 14, 2006 01:10
You can take your fucking red construction paper heart day, wrap it
around my fat Irish cock AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES!!!! That
is, if you arent too busy with your pre-packaged chocolate mouth orgy.
Clutching your newly given, soon to be forgotten, teddy bear near to
your self aggrandizing "heart".
Or maybe you've settled into a nice evening of romantic shit with
your more-likely-than-not better half. Puking the sweetest of lies all
over each other as you fucking "snuggle". Yeah, you're cool.
But wait, I'm wrong. You're one of those people that screetches
endlessly about wanting to find yourself a nice guy. " Why can't I find
a guy who is JUST LIKE YOU??????????????" Go. Fuck. Your. Self.
If you could just, even if only for a moment, pull your HEAD
outta yer ASS. Guess why you only find yourself with beer fueled, date raping,
simians, armed to the teeth with red plastic cups. Wearing the mighty
badge of the backwards-turned baseball cap. The reason is obvious: YOU
Talk amongst your fucking selves.