Jul 17, 2005 15:33
Okay I made a dicision today im gonna stop writting in this thing...
I'm over it...
I met someone last night... I don't remember her name but I did the unthinkable... I actually hit on a girl.. last night when i saw her i thought to myself... its time to figure out why all your relationships go wrong... because I only date girls that ask me out.... ugh so i sucked it up... and i was kinda drunk.678
I met her in underground after the Weezer concert... she was dancing on the after party stage... all those girls and i couldn't take my eyes of her... she just took me in by the way she danced, she wasn't being a slut... but it was erotic and well she danced like a raver in some sense... kinda some weird connection. I asked her for a clove lol im a moron, I asked her if she liked girls... she said the last girl she dated was Sparky.... I was like WHAT!? lol Sky... that bitch sky was my old best friend from 3 or 4 years ago. Jonelle broke her heart and sky skipped town with DJ Sky loves Jonelle... lol tragic. But we started talking and it was like we knew each other... i.. i dont know... I do know i just wanna be friends too... thats another thing i jump in bed with girls and i shouldn't i really wanna get to know who she is... and if shes going to hurt me before she does... and show her who i really am... 770
she wouldn't take my number and she wouldn't give her hers the last thing she said to me was see you next saturday... she likes me... lol i know it. Justin said i was trying to hard... and that guy that plays the guitar on his front prouch over on brownsville road was there too... its like a crazy dream but not... but dude told me i tried to hard... and I looked at them and said... at least i tried. Justin had been eyeing her too... next saturday is going to be great... =)
Time for work.... bye bye all
Call me.0629