Oct 15, 2005 13:51
Soooo my dad wakes me up this morning
I think that was the greatest thing
about living alone...
no one woke me up... EVER.
ugh... talking bout some give the cat her meds
yessa masta!
ugh... but after that ordeal...
I was outside smokin... and a black
widow crawled across the ground infront of me...
omg it was so cool lol... it was really big.. .and
it was just a trottin along... like..
whatever lol... so my dad killed it
i was kinda sad... i thought she
was cool lol.
So i got really depressed
last night i guess i shouldn't
put it that way... but this movie
i was watching... it really
hit something you know
It's called Heavenly Creatures...
and its got Kate Winslet in it
It's one of her earlier movies.
And... tell me how she looks just like
Lynda... I was like I'll be damned
looked just like her when she was
in high school...
I mean from her eyebrows to her lips
i was like just sitting there..
wondering... how it was so fucked up
and the other girl kinda looked like me
except i wasn't chubby... but the hair lol
the hair got it right
But I'm not sure who rented it...
did i or did my mom? All I know is
those two turn out to be gay...
but i mean thats not what the movies
about... its about a friendship between
two people... that is just so amazing
they were willing to kill. they had
their own little world they lived in.
I liked it... i thought its one of the best movies
ive ever seen. the guy who did Lord Of
The Rings... directed it.
Oh lol i rolled over this morning
and heard Karen say...
Butt fuck shit fuck lol
I was like omg!?!?! where is that coming from
i rolled over on my phone and it played
the recorded message i had saved like
6 months ago... i was like Karen... your being recorded...
say something.. and of coarse knowing karen
something stupid like...
butt fuck shit fuck... i dunno
come outta her mouth lol.
I miss that stupid bitch...
I never bought her the birthday card
i decided not too...
so what i remembered her birthday...
it doesn't make it right for me to
break a promise to myself....
She just doesnt know
how much i miss her...
for the last 5 years of my life she has been
the crazy other half of me
ive be come calm and grown up
since we split.... omg... I hate who i can be sometimes
lol i want my karen back!
ugh... this is stupid
any ways... MOE!!!! moe came to see me last night
Moe had a baby boy! and he is soooo
fucking cute!!!!
that kid is going to be awesome...
im not a big fan of joesph...
but i know he is an idle guy
and moe... is well moe the most awesomest
moe ever lol... my moe.
if it werent for me... some people
wouldnt be friends today.
I had a great night last night
i taught "mike jones" lol to do
the window so i could.... well
hit on blanca basically.
then lol... and this is why i like my job to a
I got to kick people out... and and
on top of that... i got to be mean
lol and i got to tell them to pick up their
that they werent leaving that for
my hard working crew to pick it up
lol... i got buck... then i got applause lol
my crew actually applauded me... it was
fucking lame lol.