Apr 30, 2005 10:44
Damn it feels soo good to be back in San Diego! I fucking love it here! Orange County is nice but it's so overcrowded and SD is by far prettier...
so I got my own place in San Marcos. I'm renting a room out of a brand-new 3 story house, and yay I get my own bathroom :) plus I can come and go as I please.
I would of stayed at home and saved up my $, but fucking LIZ got me kicked out my parents house, harrassed me at work, and tried to leave me in Mexico... that bitch
And I'm still with her!!! We are going on our 3 months.... WTF is wrong with me?! Y cant I just let go? I must b fucked in the head...
O well, pride season is coming up and I'm ready... got my hair highlighted (even though I dont have much of it)and new clothes... I be lookin hott these days... fuck LIZ!
So yay.. LB prode this month I'm fucking stoked...