Aug 01, 2004 09:04
I went to San Diego pride all day yesterday! Me, Sierra, Sarah, and Gabe left Sarah's house at 9 and headed on down for the parade. We drank a shitload of smirnoff and vodka and then found (hott) Adrienne and her posse and drank even more. Gabe drank the vodka like it was water and ended up puking all over himself, thus landing him into the medical tent. Sara took him back home in my car while I stayed with Sierra. Chelsea gave Sierra a rose but I didn't notice until later on. So I found Chelsea and threw the rose at her and said, "Why the fuck are u giving my girlfriend roses, u bitch! She doesn't like you!". Chelsea was too drunk to care and I was having such an amazing time that I let it go. But shit. I always have hott girlfriends that everyone else wants so i end up having to deal with this. I didn't see any of my exes, so no drama there, but we saw Sierra's ex and her new gf. They started to talk shit to her in the beer garden while I went to get margaritas. I came back and 4 girls were surrounding her... urg! I told them that I didn't appreciate them talking shit to my girlfriend and tried to be calm and cool about it. The sister of her ex ended up trying to flirt with me and asked me what my sign was. While all this was going on, some photography lady from SD pix came and said "Smile! We are taking your picture for". LMFAO, how ironic it is that i'd be in the picture with the girls who were talking shit to my gf, rather than my gf! And last time i was that fucked up, I ended up being in a magazine also. Why do photographers always take my pic when I'm wasted?! O, and thanks to Marissa and her claw for getting us into the beer garden :) She fuckin rocks!!! I was so happy to see Marissa, because I hadn't seen her since her HUGE party she had with 300+ ppl, a few months ago. But she is seriously one of the coolest people I've ever met and she totally hooked me and my girl up with wristbands :) !!! When we got into the beer garden, some gay guy gave Sierra all of his tickets, so we ended up getting FREE alcohol :) !!! I saw Heather and her g/f Britney. GAAWD that girl is FUGLY, I'm sorry Heather, but u can do waaaay better!
Everyone kept hitting on me and Sierra the whole day, telling us how hawt we are and espcially together. But its true. We were honestly like one of the hottest couples there. I have a SEXY SEXY girlfriend. We also saw Andy, which was really nice, he's so sweeet :) HI ANDY!!! And Matt, the lezbos, JT, Jeanette, Tavia, Des, and a bunch of other people. Tavia flashed Tim int he beer garden, so I flashed everyone, and then pulled off Adrienne's bikin top. She had me write all over her stomach, "FUCK ME! Hott girls only". She ended up getting five numbers, that little pimp. Sarah came back for us later on that night and we head back for home. I was still drunk and Extremely tired from being out in the sun all day. Fortunately, i did NOT burn like everyone else... i tanned! YAY! Because I had such a greta time yesterday, I might go back today and watch some of my friends perform! Sierra and Sarah have 2 work today but my friend Amanda wants me to meet up with her. I wish Sierra could go with me again! Hmm... should I stay or should i go??? IT"S PRIDE YAYAYA IM GAY IM PROUD!! O and btw, WTF is up with those protesters! LMAO, we had soo much fun talking shit to them. "GOD IS A LESBIAN"