Reasons Risk Is Bad
1. Risk never actually ends -- after 6 hours, everybody just starts falling asleep.
2. You can't be peaceful in Risk.
3. In Risk you have to kill your friends.
4. In Risk your friends like killing you.
5. It's not actually fun to own the world once you've killed all your friends.
6. If you don't try to win, you're a bad sport.
7. If you try to win, everyone is mad you tried to kill them.
8. The map is a fake map and doesn't actually represent the amount of the world you own.
9. In every game there's at least one horrible situation that gets everyone upset.
10. Nobody ever wants to play with the mission cards, which actually give purpose to the game.
11. There's no part of the map that's unattackable by all the other parts of the map.
12. My code of honor appears in the Risk strategy guide under "Foolproof Ways To Lose"
13. Risk always involves making choices that you'd only encounter in the real world in the most horrible of circumstances.
14. I feel guilty for days because of things that happened in Risk.
15. Risk has no discernible plot.
16. There's never been a game of Risk that ended with the players being in a better mood than when they started.
17. Playing Risk makes you less trusting.
18. It doesn't matter how many troops you get; Someone is about to turn in their cards and get more.
19. When you play Risk you always end up disappointing somebody.
20. Nothing fantastic and new ever happens in Risk.
Reasons Risk Is Good
1. Risk is better than hanging out by yourself.
2. Probably someone will say something funny.