Profile Meme for Somi

Nov 03, 2010 18:24

[Character Name]Yuffie Kisaragi
[Canon] Final Fantasy 7
[Point Taken from Canon]
After Advent Children and before Dirge of Cerberus
[Age] 19
[Gender]Tomboy but all female.
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color]Brown
[Hair Color]Black
[Height] 5'2
Yuffie wears a navy blue tank-top with a white Hawaiian flowered design underneath a sleeveless dark-gray vest. Both stop just below the rib-cage, revealing her midriff. Her shorts, while still khaki, now fold back (showing the interior fabric to be black) over a belted hip-pack, dark-gray in colour, that rests across her right hip. She also wears a black and white bandanna. A white wristband on her right arm and a black cloth that starts from below her elbow and partially covers her left hand replace the gauntlets while khaki colored, laced knee-high boots with black socks that have two white stripes at the top.


Rebellious, cocky, loud, and playful. All good qualities that make Yuffie quite the characteristic tomboy. Even at her age she can still be pretty immature, though she has grown a lot since she was sixteen. Always running off at the mouth, playing tricks, teasing, and even stealing from others. Not that she doesn't still do some of those, but it's usually towards her friends. It's all in good fun she swears.

Yuffie is quite friendly and is always more than willing to give a hand. If she doesn't like you she won't hesitate to tell you openly how exactly what she thinks of you with some choice words. If she likes you can expect her to always be hanging around you just shooting the breeze that and she does enjoy attaching herself to others backs (mostly guys) like a monkey, whether you like it or not.

The girl is quite the tomboy. She doesn't really like being to 'girly'. When you're a ninja, a thief, and treasure hunter you don't have time to be wearing some frilly looking dress or put on makeup. She likes to go with the natural look. Her attire usually consists of a pair of khaki shorts and short shirt that shows off her mid-drift and her headband across her forehead.

Though she doesn't look or act the part of a princess, she it very dedicated to her country. She'd do anything to help her country and help it flourish like it use to be. Even if she doesn't act like it from time to time, Yuffie is quite mature and responsible. She'll put her country and friends before herself. Yet, she isn't fond of Wutai's old fashion ways.

Being a ninja one has a variety of different skills.

Yuffie is very agile and flexible. Back flips, front flips, somersaults, name it she can do it. With the combination of her agility and endurance, she can wall run upwards a straight incline easily.

Her conformer is her weapon of choice to use. It's good for close combat and ranged attacks as well. She also keeps throwing stars and smoke bombs on her person.

Yuffie can also use magic, but this is from using the harnessed power that each orb of materia holds. Depending on which one she has in her possession/weapon, she can use them as need be.

Stealing. She could probably rob you blind if she wanted, but she doesn't use it that much, unless just to tease you or maybe you just rubbed her the wrong way.

Then of course you have her limit breaks that she has use for when she's at the peak of adrenaline.

-Clear Tranquil
-Blood Fest
-Doom of the Living
-All Creation

Depending on who you are she might blow you off. Though Yuffie isn't use to the opposite sex being attracted to her, so she'll most likely be surprised, embarrassed or a bit disgusted if you come on too strong with her.

If they want to try and initiate a fight with her, she won't back done. Despite her appearance she's quite strong and agile. She is a ninja of course. Of course if things aren't going her way she just might pull a Houdini.

[Other Permissions]
Do you even want to probe her mind? If your character can read minds then be my guest to probe the ninja's.

[Other Facts] Anything else can go here~
Yuffie isn't fond of boats or any kind of air travel. She's still trying to get over this.

profile meme

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