Hahahaha i had so much fun <3
Thanks to all for the lulz!
why did you not make miniature versions of italians?
Because he found out about ...my lap. I-it's hard to describe.
are you really a saint?, i mean... sleeping with naked ita-chan so often and never try anything dirty... 0:D
I couldn't deviate from doing things properly. Such a thing would be an incredible breach of trust.
Your bro 5 meter of awesomness hurt my ass, you're that awesome too? (HAHAHAHA!!! o god! for some mysterious reason i really woke up with ass pain this morning.... WTF???!, i feel i miss something important last night)
I guess you could say that, but where I am right now would not have been possible without a lot of hard work.
what are you usually sista times? :3
Umm, "siesta"? I love to nap in the afternoon, the sun gets hot by then here in Italy!
Teach manners to Tony, he's really rude with Arthur-kun! >:(
I'm SORRY, okay? I've tried with them, I really have. Tony's from outer space, he doesn't understand. And he's really stubborn, he doesn't listen to me. He just sits on my living room and plays super scary zombie games thatI'mtotallynotscaredofwhatareyoutalkingabout.
i heared neither finland or sweden want to talk about birds and bees with sea-kun :(, and he don't want to recognize his relationship with latvia, do something as a good big bro!
... If you expect me to do it, you're gravely mistaken. >_>
My wine is way better than yours, you know >:D (Chile)
Non, non, mine is the best. Your wine is either too watery or too spicy.
The panda thing on your butt is a birthmark or a tattoo?, can i touch it? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
E-EHH?! N-no, you can't touch it!!! (I'm not exactly sure what it is, to be honest. You never know what Westerners could do to you while you're asleep!)
Why did you forget about us, and only take care of romano!??? ;__; (your spanish colonies in southamerica)
I DIDN'T FORGET ;___; Y-you were just so far away a-and I had a new boss and then Napoleon and then his brother and then the a-a-armada... /sobs
Hey, why didn't you give the three free meals and sista with pasta to romano when you asked him to marry you? :O
because he was being sarcastic!.............. right?
What???, Argentina?! that mate-adict-fool nicer to you than me?! >:O (Chile)
Oh hi Chile! Well, he is, specially since he was friends with Romano at the time, they would play and be cute... b-but you're also cute my little Chile, don't worry <3 -nuzzles cheek-
can i touch that curl? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
NO, don't you dare.
let's make turtle soup with them! ok? (someone asked 'Whatdid you and Spain do with those Turtles?')
Hey!, how are the ponys =D?
They're doing totally fabulous, as always~!
I always wondered how Paluszki taste..., can you tell me?
Paluszki! It's like totally *munch, munch* yummy! How to explain it... It's sometimes salty.. It can be crunchy... Hmm... The taste of Paluszki is hard to describe without just describing it as " Paluszki ".
Greece; I'm so so so sorry XDDDD
Do you think im sexy aru? (Chinaty-chan)
I suppose you get points for being a cat...but you are rather creepy under the suit...
do you have Narcolepsy?
You know I've never been tested for that. It'd probably be a good idea though. I always seem to be falling asleep randomly hehe =^.^=;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zVCYdrw-1o Kind of like that...
It's true you deflowered the world's oldest virgin, Japan?... he keeps saying it was just a dream
Hrmmm a dream you say? I do not recall =^.~=
I went to take a shower aru, now you will love me aru? Shinattychan
Thank you for letting me know of your cleanliness. As long as you stay a cat, I will always love you =^.^=
Why you're not recognizing your relationship whit latvia-kun?!, you're going to broke his heart ; _ ;
Latvia and Sea-kun are only bestfriends, desu yo.
You knowed that Sea-kun is dating with Latvia?, maybe i'ts time for birds and the bees talk
Yes, I'm aware of that...
...and I--we...we don't need to have that talk right now. If he has any questions, he can ask Sweden.
Awww, but poor Sea-kun i'm totally sure he's too scared ato ask his papa, be a nice mama and do the talk
I...he's not...I am not his mother, number one.
Number two, Sweden has stellar education on the subject. He should be the one to explain it all.
I'd say England should lend a hand, but I'm not sure I trust him after some of the things I heard from France...who I also wouldn't send Sealand to.
If you are santa, sweden is your ms. claus?
No, he is not.
Did you know everyone thinks Pucca is originated in Japan?
What!? Aniyo!! Pucca originated in Korea! Japan just stole it from me! Like he does with everything!
i'm not originated in you aru! Shinattychan
Yes you did! Your design is strictly Korean, da ze!