Okay, so I'm pretty sure I mentioned back in June how I was generally disappointed with the OKC Pride events. It didn't help that I had actually attended a couple of the OKC Pride Inc. board meetings. Talk about a cluster fuck. They literally refuse to accept new ideas. But I guess it didn't take going to one of their "meetings" for people in OKC to start waking up and wanting change:
An editorial article on OKC's online gay rag this week:
http://www.hnokc.net/specialpage.php?articleid=0680121450731902550320755&appendfile=opinioninstructs.php OKC Pride Inc.'s website (btw, the organization [not the event] logo just happens to look VERRRRRY similar to a draft of one I'd offered them)
http://www.okcpride.com/http://www.okcpride.com/parade.html The myspace page that the creator was told to take down b/c the board (or rather one militantly angry lesbian) didn't want to be associated with gay predators on myspace.
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=196264251 Is it so much to ask for a decent event in a city that has the resources to put one on?? Why do we have to have a shitty event year after year getting shittier and shittier. Drives me crazy.