Closed RP with everso_boring.

Jul 13, 2009 13:52

'Talking' was possibly Sirius' least favorite seven letter word. Well, other than... 'shallot' or something. Those were nasty. Or 'puppies'. He was powerless before puppies. But. He was procrastinating.

Of course he'd been acting weird lately. Anyone with at least one eyeball and any knowledge of Sirius Black at all could tell he'd been-- off. For a while, this had been happening too. Before all the shit with Remus and his parents, before term had ended and all that. There had just been-- things. It wasn't like it was one singular anything that was the cause, it was lots of different somethings. Between what Duffy had been telling him, whatever Remus had been going through recently. And it wouldn't have been Sirius' problems if there weren't some family problems mixed in.

He wasn't going there right now. It just. None of it was even him, it wasn't fair taking it so hard, right? He'd just been tamping it down best he could, for quite some time now. He'd just been stretched a little thin lately, he supposed. A bit distracted. It happened every once in a while when he got a bit overwhelmed, but. It went away! So long as there wasn't anyone trying to prompt it out. Like Moony.

Good ol' Moony. Or-- fucking Moony, mood Sirius was in. There was some unnecessarily bitter part of Sirius that wanted to smoke at least five cigarettes at once before he headed over, just so he smelled like it when he got there. That was dumb. He didn't know why, even, he was just frustrated and. Childish. And stupid, stupid was rather accurate.

It was so much easier now that he could Apparate. So long as he did it right, which he'd been a bit haphazard with it recently. Meant to show up on Remus' front porch, missed and got the lawn. He was going to lose a limb one of these days or something. He was marching up to the door anyway, looking a bit harried. His hair was all tangled and boyish, hanging about, and there was a definite tiredness to his eyes, but otherwise he was still same old Sirius. Right?

Sirius knocked, and scrubbed at his face. Ugh.

[what] rp, [character] remus lupin, [character] sirius black

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