I am so terribly bored with this delay of the inevitable. PLEASE. CHANGE SOMETHING. it's tedious. if we're not going to progress the storyline, can we at least have a MOTW hunt? or do we need to beat our head up against this wall repeatedly until our ENTIRE brain is splattered there.
I, for one, COMPLETELY fail to see a reason for Dean to Just Say No. Michael didn't seem like such a bad guy, when he was...you know, all up in John. and apparently, left no ill effects when he was done with him.
so here's an idea I've been kicking around....Michael!Dean kills Lucifer!Nick AND EVERYONE LIVES HAPPILY EVER FUCKING AFTER. no harming of Sammy required.
but that would make it difficult for you to stretch this shit into a 6th season. I get that. so clearly, we're gonna chase our tails a little longer.
I'm bored. and I kinda want to smack a bitch.