May 17, 2008 22:57
upon seeing Iron Man...damn dude, best action flick I've seen in years, and I'm *so* not a comic girl. but it's been a while since something gave me that zing of movie magic walking out of the theater. also, I wanted to hump Robert Downey Jr's leg. like, really really. never have I wanted to hump his leg so badly, and that's saying something.
superheroes who kill things with their brains are SEXY.
on another note, my parents are smart people, but sometimes I couldn't tell it. I brought the cats with me and they've stayed shut up in my room, but I guess before I left for the afternoon wedding I didn't shut the door all the way. so my dad's in his office down the hall from my room, and Seeley comes sniffing out into the hallway (while Irving remains huddled under the bed, natch). my dad sees the cat poke his head into the office. he thinks said cat is adorable. said cat is hurting no one. what does my dad do? he shrieks for my mother that the cat escaped from my room.
and then was for some reason shocked when Seeley hauled ass back into my room to huddle under the bed with his lover brother.
rambling about hot men,
seeley's a pussy