This is my to do list. Spanning two pieces of A4 paper (both sides on one piece) for the week and today. Including work. I am working on getting a note book for my daily/weekly to do lists instead, but it’s cold outside and scary windy. Why not do it online, or on a digital note pad? I dunno there’s just something about an actual physical list that helps me actually do it. I set up alerts on my Ipad, to keep me aware of the time and do things at set times, but my to do list is physical. Having the note book I plan will also have it there, in front of me, reminding me of things I have to do. Where as I can hide a .txt file in the ether of my pc.
The list is split into sections. Just makes it easier for me to read.
Weekly Tick list
I am trying to keep on top of the housework, so I have a weekly check box for the daily dishwasher run, and the washing, as I am mega behind on my washing.
To do today
Next on the list is a few things to do today, which I have already crossed out a few. Sort out the MyWaitrose points card, so I can earn points while shopping, done. Change passwords of things for the year, in the process of doing whenever I log into something for the day. I urge everyone, to take time out of their schedule to change their passwords at least once a year. It keeps those fishers and hackers on their toes. Take rubbish down, check post box and sort out the things in the hall for freecycle or dispose are yet to do.
Blog Ideas
A list of things I want to blog about each day. I am going to try to schedule blogs in as I think of them, then I don’t tie up a full day with say, 18 blog posts and then have nothing to write about for the rest of the week. So there are blog posts scheduled in to go out at midday each day, anything else is a bonus.
Then there is the
flylady focus. Flylady is the site i’ve been using for the past year to try to get back into good habits. I had a rough year with body pain last year and so didn’t keep on top of the housework as I would have liked, but I am going to try to make a big go of it this year.
Daily focus is meal planning for the week, which I have done. Then this week is
zone 1, the hall. 15 mins of decluttering, which is going to be hard as most of the hall is taken up with things I want to freecycle/dispose of and have to wait til I can afford the council to come pick it up or have someone want it; Clean the walls and doors, which is an easy wipe down; Put away things in the hall that are not meant to be there. I am also going to sort out some kind of shoe rack once the things in the hall have been disposed of. I hope to have them all disposed of this month. There is a bunch of things for the charity shop too that I have to take up or arrange collection for.
This is my hallway. Yes, I have taken this not to shame myself into actually doing something about it but to have a before and after picture of when it is finished. As you can see it’s full of the items i described above, for charity, disposal and freecycle, plus things I’ve just dumped there like clothes, shoes etc. My partners suitcase from his trip to the US last year, mostly dumped there as I don’t have storage for it. Plus all the letters we just dumped on one side, I need to shred them. That binliner is due to go out today, and there as a constant reminder every time I fall over it.
Last on the Flylady focus is
shining sinks. So I will be tackling the kitchen sink this week, as well as tidying up the two bathroom sinks.
Meal Planning
One of the flylady habits for Tuesday’s is to sort out the weeks meal plan. I have done up til Sunday, leaving a day for take out if we so desire, although I am trying to not have as much of that as we seem to have. Even though I use
top cash back to make 4% of our take out back, I still think we spend a hell of a lot on take out.
Meals planned, will be I think in my recipe posts. Speaking of which I need to buy some paper and plastic inserts for my ring binder to start my recipe book. I’m doing it that way so I can write notes, re write recipes and keep it neater than a book would be.
I am planning on having a monthly and a fortnightly project. The fortnightly ones will be a baking or cooking project of sorts, the other is something like canning, jamming, or my alcoproject. This month is making limoncello after a friend posted on her facebook.
I will be blogging this seperately too.
My friend
Loupie has been talking about batfit, I am going to get a note book for that and sort out blogging about that too.
Shopping List
Turning over the page we have my shopping list for the next three days, for meals and the note books. I will be heading out to Waitrose later today to fulfill the majority of that, especially tonight’s dinner. Or we starve.
There is also the shopping list for the limoncello project.
The other piece of paper is my works to do list. Which includes sorting out some new items for the shop, some more sale items and contacting suppliers.
Phew! I also have scheduled regular cups of tea on the hour. I’ve already spent too long writing this post, so I’m gonna get on with the rest of my to do list for the day.
So what’s on your to do list?
Mirrored from
Paws for Thought.