Sep 03, 2006 18:26
So, it's been about three to four months since you kids last heard from me.
I've kept my job. Because of it, I have an obscene amount of money. I feel dirty just knowing how much I carry around with me. What's even worse, is that people owe me a total of $370 more than I already have.
For the most part, I'm doing well. I'm quite a bit sleep deprived, but I'll live.
I need to meet new people. I've been saying this for a long time, and it's still true, but in quite a different sense, especially after meeting all the people I work with. They're great peoples, but still unfulfilling in my desire to know more people and become close to others. This is partly because I haven't had very many theoretical or philosophical discussions with them, but also because they can't quell the recently-uprising desire to have a girlfriend again.
But that's not important.
The important things are this:
•For once, I have my own money.
•I am still alive and doing, for the most part, very well.
•I miss a lot of my friends in and from Austin (including, but not limited to, Sarah, Christina and Raymond, Holly, Mattao!, Jacob, Sumner).
•Next week, it seems as though Mattao will be coming down to Austin, and that I will be his ride back up north to Denton. I am quite excited at this prospect; it's been some time since he and I spent any considerable amount of time together.
There may or may not be other important things, but that's it for now. Farewell, all, and continue being safe!