Jan 06, 2006 23:00
well yesterday was the first day at my new skool... yea its gay... its pretty nice there but its gay considering that i dont know anyone. and then today went to skool, its was alright i guess, then right when i get home i mean RIGHT when i get home my step mom comes threw the dorr and is like call danielle (step sis) get scotts (step bro) work # call him tell him kayla (neice) has a coin in her throat... OH YAY!!! i guess at 1pm when fran went to come pick her up from here (bc i was in skool) they were gunna take her to the doctors bc shes been really weezy.. and the doc.s werent there so they took her to the hospital, then they took x-rayz and we find out she has a coin in her troat, and it wasnt recent they said its been in there for like a couple days and OMG IT WAS HORRIBLE!! poor baby went to bi-county hospital got her IV in and then got transfered to childrens hospital, and then they did some surgery or something to try and get it out, and they couldnt so they pushed it into the stomach and she'll poop it out one of these days lol...but she was in this thing and she had a IV in, and she kept pulling on it so i had to pull it away, and only i was watching her, bc amber (other step sis) and my step mom went home, and then scott and fran went to get something to eat, and kaylas going every where eating everything in site all the wires and stuff rolling around, and im trying to keep her like not tangled up with her IV and like heart rate thingy.. and she was just driving me NUTS!! lol.. then she got discharged so we got to go home and it was all good.. and shes better, shes just sore.. but im really happy shes ok... hmm what else has gone on? dont really remember, so im gunna go now.. later peeps
love always and 4E
the crazie lil blondie