Title: Acquired Tastes aka ShukiAi ate my brain and this is what happened!
Rating: R
Pairing: RoyEd
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Yaoi
Summary: The bar the Colonel had chosen was not very big, and was one of the lesser known bars in Central, tucked away behind a large abandoned building and hidden from immediate view by a few trees.
Written For:
shukiai, who
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I LOVE IT!!! ^__^ Thank you so much! I know you worked hard on this and you did a great job. I love your Ed so much...you get him dead on. ^__^
...now for me to beg for more! XD;;
I luv you and thanks again! ::huggles more::
Nah, I'm kidding ♥ I'd totally write more for you. Even though I owe like 20 other people fics ^^;;
Lol just kidding ♥ I'll get on yahoo again today maybe o.o
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