weird mix for a blog post eh? well for starters, here's the album that's been in rotation for... ohh... this past wknd. i've caught a lot of flack from my brother and cousins for not really jumpin on the drake/j. cole bandwagon, but i really think that this guy... musically and lyrically... gets it. just my opinion, of course.
many of you have likely heard about what's gone on down in arizona lately... and if you dont know... here's some primer for you:
1) there's a
new law now in arizona requiring immigrants to carry their alien registration documents on them at all times. interesting... white anglo-saxon protestants immigrate here and take over the country from the natives and they call it "civilizing the natives." people of color immigrate here to earn a living and now it's called "criminal."
2) not only that, but the state of arizona is
also removing teachers from the classroom that are "heavily accented". further proof that speaking correct english = "talking white." just sayin. (thx
niki for sending this).
3) in response, the state of california is exploring ways to
boycott the state of arizona. this could get interesting, though the cynic in me wonders if any state legislature really has the balls to freeze out another state entirely based on moral opposition to a law that is passed. good luck, governator.
this past weekend, the white house held their annual correspondent's dinner for the members of the press that cover the white house... along with other "celebrities." this year, jay leno was the featured comedic relief... but i gotta say obama was pretty witty this year... even if he didnt completely write all his material.
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and finally, we have coco. the interview was interesting, and the cbs site has
additional clips that werent aired tonight...
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btw, season 3 of the boondocks starts tonight...