super duper weekend!

Jan 30, 2005 12:12

man this weekend has been a blast! thanks to my partner in crime..r yanna! haha

ok so friday- went to my hair appointment...after i locked my keys in my car and my mom had to come unlock it.. heh he.. then we went and got ryannas dress and these awsome cute matching shirts!! then we went to red robin.. which.. i must say, is just bustling with hotties. WEll after hitting on the bird and telling the hot waiter her boob was hot ryanna and i went to my house.. then we went to blockbuster and got to dumb movies.. and to walmart and bought cute shoe/socks then had to GO BACK right after to actually get the dvd.. (the case was empty) we didnt hang out with victor and alberto as planned.. we just feel asleep watching some movie called "the net".

saturday- woke up and got ready then i saw jared called so i calle dhim back and we hung out with him devin and kevin at the mall and media play. those boys are sizzlin and it was a lot of fun! heheh we looked at i s py books and put a huge puzzle together.. and then we went home... just me and ry.. and watched this crazy movie called Garden State.. then... went to alex's... we were watching this crazy movie Requim For a Dream and alex hated my shoes *sigh oh well* ryanna left and me and alex hung out.. then watched the wedding singer with adam and kristy.. good fun.. then i went home and watched part of this movie called COPY CAT but then i fell aleep.. haha

sunday- so far today i just ate, watched notting hill and uh.. ate somemore.. later i am gonna hopefully hang out with alex and after that i think mario is gonna come over for apples! haha ok yea so that is my weekend so far, hope yours was just as fun!
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