Halloween Night

Oct 31, 2005 15:12

It was OK.
I had the coolest mobster costume...which i'm also wearing today (Happy Halloween). Went to Russ and Savana's house, it was awesome. They went all out with decorations and black lighting and music and stuff. There were a bunch of people from Bullwinkles, and a whole bunch of people came from the UAS party scene to his house. Lots of people i didn't know. But Dave was going downtown and i thought it would be the only time i'd get a ride. so i went.
I couldn't get into the Imperial because of this shitty ass carder.
My boyfriend is totally wasted at 12pm.
I end up holding his head out of the toilet for an hour or two.
I find my birthcertificate....back down to the Imperial.
Fuckhead still won't let me in.
I get a bartender from another bar to vouch for me, and Dave's gone....how am I going to get back down to the valley to get my car?!?!
Barney gives me and tom a ride back down to the valley.
Ian, Rob and Russ are still awake and wasted (I TOTALLY should have stayed at Russ's).
I give Ian a ride home. And go to Rob's to hang out.
Oh man I wanted to take advantage of him...BUT that wouldv'e been the stupidist thing ever to do ever.
Played nintendo and watched part of a dumbass movie.
Arrived home at 6am...pretty happy.

It was all good. i really wish I hadn't left russ's...I didn't even get to get drunk!! But i guess it all turned out for the better. I felt like i was at the right place at the right time to help everyone.
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