(no subject)

Oct 10, 2004 07:05

. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Eyebrows, and wrinkels, as wrinkels show alot about how a persons standard of living was for the majority of thier lives, and eyes, as they are the gateway to the soul, and holdersof hidden pain, joy, love, and depression...
2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: I would, as long as she proved herself capeable, and worthy of running our country fairly and with morals...
3. Would you marry for money?:Well, Duh, or course, who wouldnt, nah, jk, I wouldnt, lol
4. Have you had braces?: Nope.
5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: Most deffinantly do, otherwise, they turn out like two badgers on my forehead...
6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: Not recently...
7. When was the last time you had a hickey?: Gawd, I dont even remeber, maybe like ayear ago, Imy skin doesnt take to hickeys very well...lol...
8. Could you live without a computer?: Have, but NEVER AGAIN, it is my outlet to the world, and everyone that I know...
9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?: Oh yes, quite often...
10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: Dunno, anywhere between 25-40 per list depending on if I deleted people that I havent talked to in a while,plus I randomly meet new people, and delete others very often, I think my ignore list is longer than the buddy list itself...
11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?: No question about it, I would have loved to be the age I am now in the mid 80s, everything seemed so much simpler then, although, homosexuality was a bigger no no, and taboo that it is now, and being gay, I wouldnt have liked that idea very much...
13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: Depends on my mood, but generally socks, or flip flops, I dont enjoy food crumbs from my siblings touching my bare feet...
14. What is your favorite fruit?: Gala apples, and mangos, ::mmmmmm::...
15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: Whatevers there, but most of the time, italian wheat and cheddar bread,(I am VERY picky about what I will, and will not eat)...
16. What is your favorite place to visit?: Salt Lake City Utah, and I like to visit my sister', and dad's graves in my mind, just to talk to them, cause they are like 900 miles away where I used to live
17. What is the last movie you saw?: Spirited Away, quite good too, must watch more anime...
18. Do you kiss on the first date?: Most of the time, yeah, I dont see any harm in it...
19. Are you photogenic?: Depends on if I got ready for the photo, but most people say that I am quite handsom, so most of the time, I look good in photos, you have to if you want to be a model, lol...
20. Do you dream in color or black and white?: I think color, but I dont really know...
21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: Only clear varnis to protect my manicure...
22. Do you have any dimples?: Yes, a slight one on my left cheek...
23. Do you remember being born?: Thank the Lord, NO! That is a place that I would never want to see, my birth mother is the size of a medium hippopottomus...
24. Why do you take surveys?: Gives me something to do, and lets others know more about me than the stuff that I post...
25. Do you drink alcohol?:Oh, yes, I like it ever so much...
26. Did you like or do you dislike high school?: I find it stimulating, and I enjoy learning, so I guess you could say that...
27. What is the most beautiful language?: Either french, or italian,(if spoken correctly, and if its being spoken to you by someone that you want talking sexily to you)..
28. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?: I dont know, never realy happened, I think I would be pissed off if someone woke me up, I dont much care to be woken up out of a sound sleep, I find it irritating...
29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunrises are beautiful, but I LOVE to watch the sunset on the beach with a guy, cuddled up in a blanket,it makes for the best "irst kiss, or first "I love yous" in a relationship...
30. Do you want to live to be 100?: Oh God NO!!!...
31. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?: Not necisarilly, its thier body, they should do what makes them happy to do with it, it is such an egotistical thing to expect woman to shave, god, they are people, not fucking slaves that must do as they are told to with thier boddies, they are beautiful, regardless...
32. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: I dont like either, I like hot and spicy foods...
33. Is a flat stomach important to you?Yes, more than most things, a flat stomach is important to me, I strive for it day in and day out. I will have it if it fucking kills me, at least I would look hot in my coffin...
34. Do you or have you played with a quija board?: Yes, I dont think I did it right though...
35. Are you loyal?: Sometimes,it really depends on the person that I am being expected to be loyal to, but with family,I would never, ever be unloyal to them, for if it wasnt for them, I'd probably be another face on some milk carton somewhere, they belived in me when noone did, therefore, I will be loyal to them till the day I die...
36. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?: I dont tolorate,as to tolorate is still to hate something, but just deal with it, noone wants to be tolorated, and neither do I, I want to be accepted, therefore I am accepting of other peoples belifes, as I would hope they are of mine...
37. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off, I hate the glare on the screene while I am watching a good movie, it is rediculously annoying...
38. Do you believe in magic?: To an extent, but not as much as I used to, I just dont think that it can do anything like extremely dramatic, or change what fate has in store for us...
39. Do you have nightmares frequently?: Nah, my dream catcher takes damn good care of me nightly, but I dont sleep at other peoples houses, as without it, I have horrific nightmares...
40. Do you like your nose?: Not particularily, I cant wait to get a nose job, and get it fixed, and prettified...
41. Do you like abstract art? Yes, quite a bit actually, I find it to be easy on the eyes, and calming to the nerves...
42. Do you think you can draw well? Yes, but not half as good as some of the people that I know, they amaze me, and make me feel inadaquate as an artist, lol...
43. Do you listen to music daily?: Oh but of course, music is what keeps me going day in and day out. Relating to the lyrics that are in a song helps me to feel that I am not alone, and makes me feel that it is ok to feel the way I feel, cause there are other people that feel the same way, plus, I dont know what I would do with out the ever so often Sappy Love song when I meet a boy, nor where I would be if it wasnt for the occasional emo song while I am depressed that makes me feel even more depressed, and helps my emotions to come out in non aggressive ways. Music is my only emotional outlet, other than my live journal, and writing poetry...
44. Do you like to watch cartoons?: Yes, it makes me feel like I am still young, plus I have many siblings that are much younger than me, so sometimes I basically have no choice in the matter...
45. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: What, Santa Clause isnt real, omg, you so just ruined my entire christmas spirit::weeps::, lol, jk, I guess when I was about 9 or so, and ever since, I have been Santas shopping, wrapping, handing out, present picking, check book balancing little assistant so that she doesnt go overboard, or spend money that we dont have, regardless to say, I dont get as many presents as my siblings, but thats cause of two things, 1)Christmas is more than less a kids holiday, and 2) Throughout the year, I am spoiled more than anyone else because I am my moms right hand man, and personal assistant, it really does have its perks...
46. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: In my closet?no, but strewen about my room, about 12 or so, I lost count after the vans I got about a few months ago, and that was number 9, so I guess around 12 like I said, possibly more...
47. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: I would die if I had to wear the same shoes everyday, I would have to coordinate my entire wardrobe around that one pair of shoes, Im gay, duh, it just wouldnt work if the shoes didnt go with the outfit...
48. Do you write poetry?: Oh yes, very often, it is one of the things that I am good at, that and just creative writing, (I am in the process of writing a book about what really goes on in the minds of teenagers, and what they really do at school, and in general, so far, it sounds really good I am told)...
49. Do you snore? God, I should hope not, there would never be any possobility of sleeping in the same bed with someone as if they are anything like me, they would kick me off...
50. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: Whatever feels comfortable that evening, I like variety in my life, sleeping on my back, or my stomach, etc, would just get boring, and I would have to try something else so that I didnt feel like I was allways doing the same thing, the same way, that is how life gets boring, even if it is just the way you sleep...
51. Would you rather have a poodle, or a rottwieler? Neither, poodles are to uppedy, and energetic for me to deal with, and rottwielers eat people, I swear, belive it or not, I would however like a purple ribbon pitt bull named Lillith...
52. Do you lick stamps?No, I use the self adheiseve stamps, they are extremely easy to use, and you dont have to taste the fumky stamp adheiseve taste...
53.Do you use an electric can opener?: Yes, I couldnt live without it,it makes life much simpler than it used to be, and I like it that way, simple technologies impacting our lives everyday, and we just consider it something so ordinary, I love it...
54. Have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon? I have not, and certainly will never even think about it. I can barely stand elevators, let alone a hot air baloon, lol, not in my wildest dreams...
55. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Emotional as the healing process usually takes longer than the healing process for physical hurt, and you can get pain pills easily for physical pain, but for emotional pain, you just have to let the healing process take its course...
56. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?: I really wish that they would, but as the world turns, to each thier own opinion, life style, and decisions, so therefore, let them do to thier own selves what they feel is good for them, and let us keep our opinion to ourselves, as we dont want others judging us, we shouldnt judge them...
57. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: As a matter of a fact, almost everyone in my household, (invluding myself), hassome sort disorder that stems from depression, my mom is clinically depressed, my brother is manic depressive, and my sister and I are bi-polar, yeah, we are a pretty hard family to live with, we are all fucked in the head, lol...
58. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: Piano, if it is being played right, but the sounds of violins gives me a headache most of the time...
59. Are you a sex addict?: Not really, I mean like I like it and all, but its not like I need it all the time, or even want it all the time, I think it would loose its fun, and passion if I was having it to often...
60. Do you know someone who has cancer?: Yes, my auntie just got diagnosed with breast cancer...
61. Do you hunt?: No.
62. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: Expensive restaurants mostly, cause there is better food, and you can have it exactly the way you want it, hence the reason it is expensive, plus the establishments are more cozy, inviting, and relaxing in an expensive resturaunt...
63. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Art museum, any given day, they are fabulous places to go and think, and admire other peoples anguish, love, fears, and so many other emotions that get put into a peice..
64. Do you have a middle name?: Yes, as a matter of a fact, I, as most people, DO have a middle name, it is Joseph, not to attractive, but then again I didnt get to pick it, so its my birth mothers fault, not mine...
65. Are you basically a happy person?: Not really, but after damn near 7 years taking theatre, and acting classes, I have gotten damn good at faking it to the point where people belive that I am...
66. Are you tired?: Not as much as I should be, but I am restless...
67. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: I drank coffee a bit ago, but thats about it...
68. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: Yes, many a times, not a good idea though, cause they usually live far away, or are wierdos that you cant get to leave you alone no matter how many times you tell them that you dont want to persue anything whatsoever with them...
69. How many phones do you have in your house? We have 4 cells, mine, my moms, my brothers, and my younger sister, then we have a phone in each of the rooms with a phone jack in it, (4 all together), so, all in all, that makes 8, I guess thats about normal for an average family???...
70. How long is your hair?: I just cut it to about in inch or so long, (shortest I have had my hair in years)...
71. Do you get along with your parents?: Oh yes, my mom is like my bestest friend in the whole entire universe, and she is my greatest confidant, and closest companian, I guess you could say I am a mammas boi, but hey, I am what I am, like it or not!!!
72. What color of eyes do you prefer?: I love radiant green eyes...
73. Are you an active person?: If you consider 3 hour workouts everyday, or every other day, depending on the weather, and how I am feeling, being active, then, yes I guess you could say I am...
74. What medications do you take?: My welbuterin, and occasionally, Tylonol 3, and I dont know if it counts as a medication, but everyday vitamins, and energy rush energy pills...
75. What does your bedroom look like?: Small, light blue, big bed, desk, very cluttered, and messy, typical teenagers bedroom pretty much, only not every 17 year old high school student has thier walls pretty much plastered with stuff that Ive gotten over the years, and my half naked men wall with all the guys that I either want to be like, or meet, or just have a casual sexual encounter with, lol...
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