❝ There was a goblin. Or a trickster, or a warrior.
A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies.
The most feared being in all the cosmos.
Nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it -
one day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world... ❞
EVENT: Flip the Chessboard.
"Characters are now the opposite of what they usually are. Lawful Evil becomes Chaotic Good, male becomes female, slouch becomes hard worker, hero becomes villain. The choice of what kind of trait is flipped is up to the mun, of course."
River Song had said it best - "We get that word from you, you know. If you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means "Mighty Warrior." How far you've come." In this alternate universe, "Doctor" isn't even a might warrior. He's exactly what his foes tried to lock him in the Pandorica for being: the most feared being in all the cosmos. In this universe the Doctor doesn't mean to travel to make the universe better. He doesn't travel to help others. No, in this universe, the Doctor is a man who has one goal in mind: The Lord of Time. The Time Lord Victorious.
On Gallifrey as a young Time Lord, the Doctor looked into the Untempered Schism and saw two things: chaos and disorder.The universe and all of time was, as he saw it, crumbling and falling apart. The Time Lords did nothing about it, of course, they chose to sit back and let the universe take it's natural course of history. The Doctor did not agree. He was going to fix the universe and make it how he thought it should be run. He'd police all of time and space. He'd make the rules. Then, one day, he found a broken down TARDIS and stole her - or did she steal him? Together with his granddaughter, Susan, they traveled the universe. He took companions to show them how corrupt and horrible the universe was, with the idea that they would agree and do what they could do to shape the universe to his ideals. The Doctor's only little army, through out all of time and space, changing the course of history to how he felt it needed to be. Maybe it was some twisted sense of justice, or maybe he is that egotistical. It's a mystery, maybe even to himself.
The Time War began: Daleks vs Time Lords. The Doctor didn't care. He stayed out of the conflict until the very end, where he ended the lives of Daleks and Time Lords alike. When Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness and Donna Noble would ask about why he stepped into the Time War, the Doctor would answer: "They thought they knew everything. So they sat back and watched the universe crumble at their feet. I let it all burn. A new order. A new universe with a new sense of justice with a Time Lord controlling everything. And, when the time was right, I destroyed both of them to make an example. If not controlled? The universe would fall into chaos and destroy itself."
Of course, there were people who fought against him. Cybermen, Daleks, countless others. The Shadow Proclamation feared him far too much to disobey him. And then the Order of the Silence hatched an idea. They would take the daughter of the person who believed in him the most and raise her to kill him. The universe would be free of his tyranny and his iron grip. They staged the entire thing, taking Amy Pond-Williams from the Doctor and Rory Pond-Williams unknowingly, and fashioned her child to be part-Time Lord. Amy gave birth to Melody Pond, the hope of the universe. The Battle of Demon's Run came, the Doctor relentlessly destroying everything he could in his path to regain his companion--maybe disciple would be a better word--and bring her child to his side. However, he was too late, and they left with the child. Though, maybe it's not all that bad. Melody Pond is truly River Song, and as far as the Doctor knows, she is in love with him and would never kill him...