Apr 14, 2011 19:35

One Year Old!

Today, April 14th, thatoldthatkind is one year old! I would like to thank all of you who have encouraged, put up with, and roleplayed with my Eleven through out the year ♥ It's funny, considering I was originally going to try my hand at Amy Pond. And failed horribly. And picked Eleven up on a whim, and now he's one of my dearest muses. You would have to pry him from my cold dead fingers in order to make me drop him.

Thank you, everyone! And let's hope that Series 6 continues to inspire us and make us want to play together. :) I look forward to continuing to roleplay with all of you, new muses or old muses, new muns or old.

# ( out of character ), & (party time )

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