Jun 22, 2005 12:34
so i had a job. it went something like this:
::knock knock knock::
hello, how are you this afternoon?
my name is nicky, and i'm with new hampshire pirg. we're the statewide environmental group, and right now we're working to clean up mercury pollution within the state. unfortunately, new hampshire has some of the highest levels of mercury pollution within the country. in fact, every single lake and river within the state is so contaminated by mercury that people are being warned to not eat the fish. however, we do know that power plants are the largest uncontrolled source of this type of contamination, so we're working to get the state to clean them up. we have a great chance of accomplishing this; we just need to continue to build support, and that's why i'm out here today. this is our statement of support (hand over clipboard, this is the important part); it also outlines the work we're doing. the BEST way for you to support our effort tonight would be to become a member of new hampshire pirg. there are two ways to do that: with our monthly giving program, or with a one time contribution. monthly giving works better for us, mainly because it allows us to keep our costs low and it gives us ongoing support, but either way is fine and GREATLY appreciated. the important thing is that you give as generously as you can so that we can continue to make a big impact.
then if they're still unsure, i whipped out something like this:
we're trying to get this bill, SB128 passed, this summer. it's already been through the senate, and it has a good chance of passing through the house and up to gov. lynch. it basically says that mercury emissions from the PSNH power plants in portsmouth and bow will be cut by 85% by the year 2013.
so i did a day of training, and people are wierd, and there's stories but you can ask specifically cuz my hands are sore from typing, and then i did yesterday when i canvassed for 5 hours by myself, and i raised $175 for nhpirg. YAY. and then today i realized i fucking hate it so i quit.