I totally scored some Panini today, let me tell you...

Aug 25, 2004 20:31

Before I get into my Panini escapade, I'll tell you how my whole day went. First, I woke up a bit late, 6:20 a.m. - yeah - that's late for me. I shower (calm down, boys and girls alike) get dressed, and do the du. I'm out the door, and catch the 7:02 bus. Which was nice, since I've never caught it, and it drove up seconds after I got to the bus stop. I get to the train terminal, and wouldn't you know it, the train passes seconds after I get there.

I get to work, the same usual work stuff, except there was a little going away partay for a co-worker who is leaving the office. My boss told a really funny story, I was crying I was laughing so hard. Went to my classes - speaking of class...

My history class is totally awesome. We danced the YMCA, and got points for it. It was totally sweet. Then we talked about illegal immigration. I'll put this behind an LJ cut, because I don't want to impose my views on anyone. Actually, nevermind, too much profanity to pick through.

Anyway, back to the

Lou and the Fabulous Panini

So, I get off the train, and I see the "Panini Palace" You see, I've been there before. So, this wasn't my first Panini. I walk in, remove the shades and go to the place where you pick said Panini. There were so many choices, like a plethera of Panini. Actually, there were only three avaliable in my price range. I choose, and order my Panini. I had to wait a few minutes while the Panini was being prepared. It usually takes about 5 minutes before the Panini is in your possesion. While I'm waiting, I notice some chips, I'm like..."Hey, I'm getting some Panini, why not some chips?" I pick out some Sour Cream and Onion (the last bag - booya!) and my Panini was still not ready (some take longer than others - but that's life.) So, I decide, if I'm going to be eating chips with my Panini, I'll get really really thirsty, so I went to the soda section. This is a really classy joint, so they only have soda in glass bottles, a la Stewarts Orange n' Cream Soda. And it was on sale! Which is kind of weird for this place, but it was .99 cents, couldn't be beat. I select my heavenly beverage, and finally I grabbed my Panini and went to where you pay for it. You have to pay before hand at this place. The guy put the Panini, chips and soda in a bag, and off I went to the bus. I get home, chat a bit, then the Panini is calling me. I finally unwrap it, and OMG! That was the best sandwich of my life. Combined with kettle fried chips that were .69 cents, and Stewarts Orange n' Cream....I was in heaven. That is my story.

WAR! - Queen Jacqueline; you were my first, may not be my last, but you will always be apart of me. :* (
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