count backwards.

Apr 19, 2009 00:33

stolen from hollywood_lies.
(i clearly would rather be filling out memes than discuss my life.)

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. i loved you more than you will ever know. a part of me died when i let you go.
2. i'm sorry i'm not a better friend. just get it over with and just tell me i'm a shitty person to my face.
3. i cannot imagine my life without you in it.
4. thank you for always making me laugh. you have no idea how much that means to me.
5. going through this depressing quarterlife crisis point in our lives would be that much harder without you. thank you for being such a (surprisingly) awesome friend.
6. i miss our adventures. shows and coffee and late nights in the city. come home soon.
7. i really do hope it all works out for you, even though i still completely disagree with the situation.
8. you are seriously so adorable and i'm a little bummed out you have a girlfriend.
9. i wish i was as brave as you are. i'm glad i'm not as crazy/in denial about life as you are.
10. i'm really proud of you. i wish we could have had a better chance at working out. thank you for not forgetting about me.

NINE things about yourself:
1. i am OBSESSED with twitter and tumblr right now. it's unhealthy.
2. i get caffeine headaches constantly.
3. i wish someone would pay me to drink coffee and go to shows and talk to musicians.
4. at 5'1, i have a severe napoleon complex.
5. 2nd generation mexican-american who speaks her mind too much. in SPANISH.
6. my most prized possession is my macbook.
7. my favorite color is green.
8. i don't know how to function without my ipod.
9. my favorite holiday is dia de los muertos.

EIGHT ways to win your heart.
1. forehead kisses.
2. personalized mixes.
3. being handed a cup of fresh coffee in the morning.
4. a great sense of humor.
5. the ability to deal with my crazy.
6. a love of good music.
7. the need to have random adventures.
8. snuggling.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. AUGH.
2. ... what does that even MEAN?
3. god, i need coffee.
4. where have i heard this song before?
5. RAWR.
6. oh, for fuck's sake...
7. i need a nap.

SIX things you do before you go to bed:
1. take a shower.
2. put on PJs.
3. brush my teeth.
4. wash my face.
5. set my alarm.
6. turn on my ipod to my nightly mix.

FIVE people who mean a lot.
1. My mami
2. My abuela
3. Marcy
4. Andi
5. Aliza

FOUR things you’re wearing right now.
1. glasses
2. tank top
3. PJ bottoms
4. underwear

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly.
1. Pretty Dress by Rosie Thomas
2. Wore Me Down by Rachael Yamagata
3. Weightless by All Time Low (<-- adrian's influence right there)

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. go to japan.
2. write a book.

ONE confession:
1. i don't know what to do next and that fucking terrifies me.
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