Jan 28, 2008 09:22
we've had lots of rain here, & as a result, i've had lots of days off. The last full day i worked was wednesday & i worked a 1/2 day on Saturday. so what's that? like 4 1/2 days off. I'm LOVING it. It's kind of bad how much i'm enjoying not working. I worry i could easily fall into a downward spiral. Haha well maybe not that extreme but i'm definately glad everytime i wake up to rain.
So the past few days have been all about rediscovering. I found both my kevin devine & pete yorn CDs & have been listening to those. Listened to rainer maria last night which was more michael's doing than mine but i think i got more out of it. Hung out w/chris on Sat night- went down to SJC, had some great conversation, watched a documentary, made a snapple run. Rediscovered how much i love cups of tea. Chris updated me on all our old friends & their new band projects.....by the way, i can't stop listening to that damn pop punk single from greg.
So it's been a great few days. other than being reminded of all the things i used to love & wondering why i ever stopped some of them, i've also gone shopping at south coast, been running loads at the gym, read from 2 books, decided to become a conspiracy theorist but gave up 2days later because i realised it's way too frustrating, cleaned out my closet, hung out w/my sister, took Vincent to the dog park, & have spent lots of time w/my lovely michael.