Luceti Permissions

Sep 14, 2011 10:58

Out of character

Backtagging: Oh god, yes. I'm one of those idiots trying to juggle ten things at once, and that includes RP.  Chances are, I'll be backtagging a lot of things.  I'm in it for the fun, and I love any chance for threading, regardless of when it happens!

Threadjacking: BRING IT ON. I have a 'more the merrier' mentality, and while one on one CR can get personal and fun, sometimes the best thing happens in group settings or when the unexpected crashes the party.  Or makes it, in some cases.

One thing you should definitely know about Guy Burgess is that his friends are closer than close.  They're everything he has.  In all likelihood, so long as you're okay with it, there is a high chance that a thread with Guy will be threadjacked by Anthony or Kim.  Keep that in mind.

Fourthwalling:  Yes, but if your character has the basis to know who Guy Burgess is, I'd like to discuss the details of that.  While I have no problem with people knowing their history and recognizing the name, it can get a little sticky if the character fourthwalling Guy has major issues with who he is and what he stands for.  Essentially, it boils down to this:  while Guy is not hiding the fact that he works for British Intelligence, he is guarding the secret that he, Anthony and Kim work for Moscow with his life.  Frankly, it's a matter of life and death to this man.  Anyone who threatens to expose him will be dealt with by all three men, three very desperate men.  If they think there is a threat?  They will eliminate it.

However, if your character simply knows their history and doesn't have any views on Guy that he would take as threatening, BY ALL MEANS.  He's not going to take it very well at first, of course.  Having his secret exposed will prompt a bit of madness.  However, if he knows your character means to do no harm with the information and is willing to keep quiet about it, there is so much potential for fun and bonding here.


Fighting: So long as it serves a purpose, then yes.  Canonly, Guy is the sort of asshole who gets decked in the face.  He's crass, abrasive, rude, vulgar, and knows no boundaries at times.  Everyone he comes into contact with either loves him or hates him.  There really is no tepid middle ground.

That being said, know that it won't really be much of a fight.  Depending what sort of principals are in question and warrant such a physical challenge, Guy isn't likely to throw the first punch.  He's a pacifist, and can't stand violence to a certain degree.  Sure, he'll stick up his hands and defend himself, but his thrashing is likely verbal taunting between trying to protect the blows sent his way.

Also, make sure it's played fair.  Not that Guy will be dodging much, but let's not godmode things, hmm?

Injuries:  Yes.  He's drunk 80% of the time, and while strokes of genius happen, shit happens a little more often.  All up for plotting on this.  Serious things you may want to ping me about, but otherwise, throw it in.

Killing:  I'm open to it, so long as it's not purposeless killing.  It's something we'd need to plot out, and know there will be a backlash for it.  Namely, two spies that will attempt to straighten things out.  You kill Guy, Anthony and Kim are coming after you.

Telepathy/Mind-reading: if you need to.

Anthony Blunt: Even when you're silent the noise is remarkable.
Guy Burgess: Noise?
Anthony Blunt: The noise of your heart pumping away on your sleeve. The cacophony of your gawp.
Guy Burgess: Does it show that much?

Yes, yes it does.  However, if you plan on delving into this character's mind, talk to me about it first.  There's stuff he doesn't want nearly anybody knowing up in there.


Hugging:  All the hugs, ever.  He needs them.  Frequently.

Flirting:  If you're a man, expect it coming your direction first.  If you're a woman, he won't flirt back.  He's one of those gayest gays who ever gayed.  It could be absolutely hilarious for a woman to hit on him, particularly if he thought it amusing enough to be purposely horrid and flirt back.

All the flirting, EVER.  GIVE IT HERE.  Guy is nothing if not an overbearingly flirtatious, smarmy bastard.

Kissing:  Yes.  While he might be repulsed or find it tasteless to be kissed by a woman, Guy is a manwhore.  Hell, he kisses Anthony full on the mouth and Kim Philby on the cheek because he can.  If he could, he'd kiss more.

ALL THE KISSES, TOO.  He'll love them all.

Other intimate actions:  Might I repeat that Guy is a complete manwhore?  He goes through men as he sees fit.  HONESTLY.  If anything, Guy will be the bastard who introduces Lucetians to the world of casual sex.  He is all for that.  Sex for him is easy. Charming men into bed was a sport in england with the best of scores for winning, and he flaunted his prowess as he would have a good coat. It paired well with another darling of his: drinking.

An explanation for that:  It’s not until the age of seventeen that Guy admits to himself that he will never love women, that he will not just make love to men but love them. By this time, however, his habits are formed and made strong by indulging in them over and over. He’s found he enjoys sleeping with men and expecting nothing else, and in his endless chase of men learned just how, with his talents, to charm them all.

Guy is  obscenely good at charming men into bed he hardly gives a damn for. Some of them become great friends. Most of them are like ties he wears for a week until he feels the need to try another one of them on. Eton turns to Cambridge, and the lot of men there are as tempting as haberdashery on Savile Row. Good for a sporting wear, but where there’s room for one there’s room for more.

Relationships:  This one is a bit more tricky.  Guy is a finicky fellow when it comes to love, mostly because he's seperated romanticism from sex completely.  It's particularly tricky because the only man he ever fell completely in love with--Julian Bell--he never actively pursued.

The men he fell in love with, he couldn’t bring himself to sleep with. For sex had been tied with casual meaninglessness, something exchanged between good friends and whatever he could get his hands on. In my headcanon, he made love to his first true boyfriend at Eton, James Harcourt, and it nearly got them expelled. By Cambridge, Guy’s states of love were weekly professions and as changeable as weather, meaningless once the interest was had. It couldn’t have been love. Not if he’d slept with them.

He fell in love with Julian Bell, and amorously ached from a distance. It was the only love that never fizzled out within the week, but burned brighter with the passing of months, perhaps even years. He held Julian as a dear friend and yet--as much of a failure as he was with love--couldn’t muster the ability to try and get Julian to love him back.

Things you should know about this character:

This tends to sum things up nicely:

image Click to view

He is more than a little bit mad, but his madness is not one that is necessarily apparent at first glance.  He loves to throw double entendres into conversation, and his knowledge of politics, government systems, economics, military, and history is unnatural and remarkably brilliant.

He goes nowhere without cigarettes and a pocket sized, amber glass flask of gin.  The cigarettes are there because he's a chain smoker.  The gin is carried for his alcoholism as much as it is a personal vice, though more in the safety blanket sort of way.  It's as old as he is, perhaps older, and anyone who knows him will know it's damned important to him.

Friendship is everything.

He's also a spy, and not just any spy.  He's a spy who has infiltrated the top institutions in the British Intelligence Services, working in MI-6 with friends in all the right places in MI-5.  He's in the British intelligence game... who is a double agent for the Comintern in Russia.  His game is played for Moscow.  In that way, he's dangerous.

His memory is impeccable.  He remembers information and soaks it all up like a sponge.  He knows not only what things are but their importance relative to everything else.  He's a master at using things for leverage.

He does things big.  He is a magician.  He puts on the largest, most dazzling shows, and when he does, they're for a reason.  Some of his most loud displays of madness serve very chilling, important purposes.  He's directing your attention where he wants it to be while the slight of hand is happening elsewhere.  Your character doesn't have to be fooled, but the chances of seeing through it are not high.  He's been fooling top officials in three different careers for the better part of fifteen years.

He likes talking.  He knows so much and speaks very quickly, that sometimes it's a mess to try and understand what it is he wants to say.  Sometimes he makes no sense.  Often times, if something he says sounds like random babble, it's not.  Everything means something to him, even when his mind is slipping.

He's part of a set of three.  Expect to see Anthony and Kim not far from Guy.

He's also very secretive.  Occupational hazard.  That being said, he wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions are plain.

He's the most unassuming, wonderful, mad bastard.

permissions, luceti

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