take my hand, close your eyes .. lets get lost together .. you and i <3

Mar 29, 2004 19:01

story of the year fucking rocks

i had the best weekend

friday me and amber went to the mall and we went shopping and then .. taylor randomly called me and wanted to hang out with me and amber so uh he picked us up from the mall and we just drove around and then we met up with his friend corey or something like that .. he was pretty cool but yeah it was really random hanging out with him because we havent hung out in the longest time like forever and seeing him drive is soooo odd lol but yah i guess that fun .. after that taylor dropped me and amber back off at her house and i spent the night there

saturday me and amber just hung out at her house and pretty much did nothing. kay the original plan was for me to go down to ryans work and then go back to my house and hang out but my grandma was being really gay so i couldnt do that so i ended up just having my grandma pick me up from ambers then go to my house to get my clothes and stuff for sunday and then take me back to ambers and spend the night there ... and then ryan called me and wanted to know if i wanted to go out to dinner with him, his best friend bret and his girlfriend, and their really lameo friend jarod and his girlfriend.  at fist i said no cuz i really dont like that jarod kid hes a fag and i didnt wanna be around him but then i got over it cuz it really didnt matter if he was there or not .. as long as i got to see ryan cuz thats all that matters <3 so we all went out to bj's and had dinner. then bret and his girlfriend dropped me and ryan back off at his house and we just spent some time alone there together which was good .. it always is. then bret picked us back up and he droped me off at ambers house

then on sunday . . was the fuking story of the year show. wow it was soooo fucking awesome!!

so me and amber got there pretty early cuz we wanted to get a good spot so when we got there we ate at the House of Blues and then we just waited in line until the show started ... since we ate there we got to go inside like 45 minutes before the show started so we were right up there. right in the front dead center .. it was insane.  there were so many people there so i didnt think that i would find ryan and bret [jarod was supposed to go with them but he ended up not going .. damn! haha] but before the show started i saw them and they pushed their way to us so that just made the night even better cuz i got to be with the love of my life! there were like 3 bands playing before SOTY and the 1st band that played was adier [i think thats how you spell it but uhh im not sure] they were totally good i liked them. but fuck, when SOTY came on the crowed was seriously insane .. i was fuking awsesome like wow i had such a good time and to top it allll off Dan stage dived and i totally touched him and his butt lol and then i touched his hand like 3 times and then Adam staged dived and i totally touched him too wow it was soo awesome ... and then i got the guitar pick from Ryan it was awesome .. he totally put it in my hand aww .. it was cute lol ... we all had such a good time fuck yeah! and then me and amber had to take a cab home haha .. that was an experience

we didnt get home until like 12:30 so i me and amber didnt go to school cuz we were "too tired" haha so yeah i didnt go to school today

... god i love my boyfriend so much. on saturday ryan gave me this present that he has been making for me.  he put all the songs that he's written about me and about us in this little book thing.  its so sweet. i mean ... like ive read them a hundred times and every time i read them i start to cry because they are so sweet. he means so much to me. wow i love that boy ... with all of my heart!

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