People are so effing inconvenient and annoying and disgusting!!! I'm sick of this. George needs to come home! He keeps me sane, and I'm definitely losing it now. Awkwardness should die. It should take poor judgement and stupidity down with it. I really hope that George won't be too tired to pick me up tomorrow. I need him so badly right now. This has been the worst eleven days of my life, and it's extra special cuz every time I think it's gonna be okay and that things are getting better, something else flings itself onto the heap of crap that's already weighing me down. Scary e-mails, sad days, lonely times, lame choices made by others, more lonely times, bad hair, and, to top it all off... PMS. Fun? Oh yeah, right. If George wasn't coming home tomorrow, I'd die. Literally. It's killing me just to wait another day. This is so gay. I really hope we never hafta be apart for this long again. Ever. Seriously. Okay, well, this was sufficiently emo and overly-dramatic, so I'm going to watch South Park and eat ice-cream now. Peace.
Yes Please.
~ Emily ~