('Being a total loser. I know.)

Apr 03, 2005 15:42

I planned on writing something [after having "Sanctus" and "Lacrymosa" stuck in my head all goddamned night] last night, but. Yeah. I don't know. I had sung myself retarded, or something similar. But here we go.

{ And-- noo really; I promise I won't get too randomly&unnecessarily sappy. }


So! You know what? ...This weekend was just too, too cool. I really didn't expect anything too amazing -- (since we've *all* been to those All County festivals before, having to endure some of those mediocre conductors/performers before, etc. etc.) -- but, jesus, this year? I was so amazed at how... good! everyone was, on the whole. [THE. GUYS. WERE. AMAZING! gah.] And, really-- the conductor? Ugh, we so lucked out. :)

Lah. So, although we had to put up with exhaustingly long rehearsals, some tough music, and a few very obnoxious divas (*cough*that huge attention whore who was sat next to poor Gina*cough*)--- the Senior High chorus ended up improving way, way more than I thought we could've.

There were so many awesome things going on there-- from the cheap food :), to the awesome conductor/pianist, to the gorgeous music, to the amazing Tenor/Bass section, to the local music teachers who helped us out (and had *awesome*) personalities, but mostly: the experience of working under new [amazing] conductors, working with new [talented] kids. Mmmmmm, anyway it just-- so exceeded my expectations. Yeah.

It's weird, because... I do know it was this small, humble thing. It wasn't any big deal. (I know that it wasn't Area-All State, All State, All Eastern, etc.etc. by ANY means, or anything like that.) But I guess it was due to *exactly* that reason that I was so surprised. -- I mean, honestly. For just being "All COUNTY"... did you ever expect the choir to sound so good?

Anyway. :) I'm not going to run through everything that happened, or inside jokes, etc.etc. But I will say that everything from the very first bus ride up (Um. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 to the hilarious Mr. Taverni), to the frickin' standing ovation a. freaking. blast. -- I've never had so much fun at an All County, and I'm not even sure why this one was so different. ... But, I don't care. :)

And, yeah. I am definitely such a geek; this weekend will be like, the highlight of my month. That's my dorkiness. Buuuuut: Thank you guys, for auditioning and going and working and getting up disgustingly early and performing and being generally cool, and... EVERYTHING. Yay!


Soo. A very big "GOOD JOB, EVERYONE!" to:
Miss Gina,
Miss Roopa,
Miss Sarah,
Miss Jenna,
Miss Laura Fam,
Miss Ciiiindy,
"Sir" Joel,

You guys rocked my socks.

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