062 // filtered to the infirmary doctors: McCoy and Martha (I play Denise too, so nothing for her)

Feb 03, 2010 01:21

Okay, I have to be honest here. I was ashamed to ask about this alone, but I don't really have a choice now. I will snap if I don't get help soon.

I haven't slept for more than a few minutes at a time since the last flood. That's, what...maybe a month ago? I can't do it anymore. Makeup won't hide it anymore, I'm getting sick, and I've lost a good twenty-five pounds that baggy clothes won't serve to mask. It's been interfering with my medication and I'm having severe mood swings and outbursts. I break down when I don't have anything to do with myself. I've spent the past couple of nights huddled against a wall.

I can't sleep because I almost always dream, and if I start I'll scream myself awake again. On top of that, the nightmares just keep getting worse. I need something to knock me out cold. I don't care what it is, so long as I can get it fast.

Just the drugs. I'll deal with the rest myself. I'd be worthless as a psychologist if I couldn't.

haunted by the past, martha, mental instability, mccoy

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