051 // Basically, this is the only GOOD meltdown she's ever had.

Dec 05, 2009 00:33

[NOTE: This is a voice entry. Hurley left Libby a few things, including a letter--the letter is handwritten on paper, however, and doesn't show up here.]

He was here...he came here, all I ever wanted was for him to come here so I could see him again, but...

[She's crying quietly.]

I would have given anything to see him face-to-face, so I could hold him for just a minute. No, even a few seconds would have been enough...I would have sold my soul for that. It isn't fair, Admiral, I've worked so hard...

Hurley knew that; he knew the way I felt. He read my journal...and he knows everything, now. He knows that I betrayed him...what I did was unforgivable, it was calculated, it was disturbing, and he still forgave me like it was a non-issue. Like it was just some little mistake that hadn't really affected him at all. All I needed to forgive myself was that, but he said other things...he told me he loves me too, that he loves me as much as I love him, and that it's okay if I let him go. He just wants me to be happy.

[The crying is muffled for a moment; she's pressing her face to something.]

I feel free...

libby loves hugo, angelica, martha, tosh, ruby, drusilla, post-flood

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