Mar 14, 2004 23:04
so i have a new love interest. he's on my volunteer crew and his name is chase.
sighhhhhh ♥ Kristin & Chase ♥... they go so well together, don't they? tee hee. he was at SXSW last year, but he wasn't working on the same crew as me. i saw him all the time and thought he was really hot, but we only actually talked for like 20 minutes one day. also, back then he dressed more "punk"-ish and wore a trucker hat cocked to the side... sooooo cute!!! [that was before the insane Trucker Hat fad swept the nation... bleck]. but yeah and his hair was blonde, too. but THIS YEAR!! his hair is brown - sorta long and messy, and he wears vintage clothes and bowling shoes and he's totally emo-fied. mmmmmfdafudwpulllmmmm!!! haha he was writing in a journal today, how sweet! and he has the bluest eyes and the most perfect straight white teeth [+ he smiles a lot!]. gahhhhh he's just so cute!!
haha it was funny cause today he walked up to me to check in for his shift and i was looking down and he was all like, "chase higgs, checking in" and i looked up and i was like "chaaaase... hmmm"... his hair was in his eyes and it was all movie-like and i go "were you here last year?" and he was like, "yeah... and you look REALLY familiar"... hahah awww!