Jun 01, 2005 20:03
soo here's the gay butt fuck story about my disapointment...
so, as you know, his name is Andrew. and he's soo fucking awesome and amazing.. and we've been getting closer and closer and I reallllly like him.. Sunday.. about 4 days ago, i went over his house and had an amazing time. we didn't do much but he said he was happy just being with me. So back to school and everything is dandy until after school today.. I get a text message from him. OC as hell.. some bullshit like.. ' I don't see you as more than just a good friend right now and I kinda like someone elsee' and about how sorry he is and how he feels like an ass.. When I first get this, I am shocked, but most of all, hurt. My gut instinct is this girl... and later on i find out she likes him. sooo then it all ties together. He pretty much made a bitch move and won't admit the truth to me, that when he found out she liked him, he wanted her and not me. Yeah... coool??? sike. At first I was soo angry. too angry to even speak. but then i slept and now I'm just more upset about it. It makes me sooo disappointed because i thought for once it would actually work out for me. I never want to allow myself to be that vunerable again just to be hurt once more. Every guy I've been involved with has fucked me over... JESSE, evan, aaron, and now him.... This is the last thing I expected from him, and it fucking sucks. IDK. i wanna give up on boys so bad now. but idk... i gotta keep strong and not llet this get me down... I was doing soo... great... gawd...
ps: i love chris & james =
CDRlax1222: if anythiing your one of the most amazing girls ive ever hung out with and talked to
O fohz O: i duno what he sees in her over you
O fohz O: but i cant see a damn thing
ppss: ME AND TIM........... OHHH GOD, haha <3