Today's something of a lame day.. Work is crazy, so I'm seizing (siezing? God I can't spell today) the moment to hide in my office. ShhhHhhhh! Don't tell!
That could be tasty too.. but aren't platypi endangered? Nevertheless.. they're probably good fried. I think I need to rummage up some lunch before I start BBQing homeless kids.
Mmm sammiches
What do I do.... what do I do.. what do I do... I spend a lot of time trying to figure that out. Supposedly, I'm developing an alcohol and drug program for homeless teens. It's more flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants and doing very little program development.
That, in a nutshell, is it.
that's really interesting.
my whole thesis was on adolescent homelessness and community based organizations... a really weird synthesis of stuff i did in my 9 month field study...which was meant to be done with homeless teens but instead ended up being done with normal middle class kids... definitely the most interesting work i've done in my life....though basically i strive to be doing what you do careerwise...except i don't have a job and i'm a bum, heh.
I'm looking for a new job.. All I can say is C'MON MAY 13TH! (ie, interview day) so when I quit, I'd be more than happy to hook a sister up.. but then you'd have to relocate.
though, i'm thinking me hiding in your office sounds better. :*
i just rearrangled (rearrangled?! i should sleep more!) that in my head so it said, "mmm platypi.."
that wouldn't be good
splain to me sometime exactly what it is you do...
not now though, now you eat!
What do I do.... what do I do.. what do I do... I spend a lot of time trying to figure that out. Supposedly, I'm developing an alcohol and drug program for homeless teens. It's more flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants and doing very little program development.
That, in a nutshell, is it.
my whole thesis was on adolescent homelessness and community based organizations... a really weird synthesis of stuff i did in my 9 month field study...which was meant to be done with homeless teens but instead ended up being done with normal middle class kids... definitely the most interesting work i've done in my life....though basically i strive to be doing what you do careerwise...except i don't have a job and i'm a bum, heh.
phil would think i was crazy, i just bought my house here... but still it's always good to know what people are doing in the world...
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2) You, m'dear Aardvark, are crazier than most :D
Rock on with your bad selves!
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