I'm in Survey right now, as I'm so sure you could tell. I feel like once I walked in here, things just got ...busy in my life. There's an Art and Soul Connection meeting tonight, and I have an article for it in the paper, so I should go. I also must make Sarah P. a CD. I'm not quite sure what all will be on it, but I hope she likes it. I'm proud of Sarah P., and Kaicy . They made T-shirts for the ever growing crisis of our school board. If you've read any of my other previous entries, then you would know what I'm talking about it. It says, Crapped on students supporting crapped on teachers. Bravo to you guys, seriously. If you want to buy one, they're $10. Contact
Sarah P. So. Yeah. Go there, sign her LJ, and buy a shirt. Now. Damn it. Bwa hahaha. Well, hmm. I still have a lot of time until the bell rings, but I don't have anything else to write about. So. Bye.