Meyers Brigg

May 20, 2011 02:57

I was trying to figure out which Meyers Brigg personality I am because I'm always reading about people talking about their "type" and I don't remember mine. I know I took the test in college and I can't remember which type I was - I know it was I (Introverted) and J (Judging) but I can't remember which way I swung when it came to the other two. So I could be 4 different types. Online I can't find the official test, but I took some quizzes, and one says I'm INTJ and the other says I'm ISTJ. One of them says I'm totally I and totally J but almost neutral when it comes to the N vs S and T vs F. No wonder I am messed up - I can't even pick a Meyers Brigg type. I've read the description of all 4 types I could be, and parts of each one sound like me, and parts don't, even though they all contradict each other. I remember taking the test in high school also (although it could have been a different test) and I only remember it suggested being a florist was my idea career. Great. And I think a funeral director.

So are there people that don't fit into one personality type? According to wikipedia INTJ is the second most rare after INFJ, and I never meet anyone like me, so I must be one of the rare ones (which would explain why everyone thinks I'm weird).

What type are you?

Update: I made my boyfriend take the tests and he's a ESFJ. Just writing it down here so I don't forget.
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