Feb 25, 2008 14:03
Dear Nasty Beeeyotch at Walgreens,
It is not necessary to act like a total SKANK to me on the phone. I was sweet as pie to you and you treated me like I just peed on your face. I am not in the best mood right now because my giant deeply impacted wisdom teeth are pushing into my nerves and it hurts like a Mo Fo. I just want my Darvocet!!!!!!
That being said, there are probably other people also in pain calling to have their prescriptions filled and they most likely don't want to be talked to like they are in the drive thru of Mrs. Winners on Dickerson Pike.
I'm sorry you hate your job so much that I feel like I need to wipe my phone off after talking to you because its dripping with Stanky attitude.
Go dangle.