Apr 02, 2008 16:04
It would have definitely been built by General Motors. Sometimes I wonder if the two are in bed together. They both have strikingly similar qualities in that neither of them work. Lucky Livejournal did save a draft of a post that I didn't want, while losing the post that I did want. Real stupid. Anyway Connie, I'm getting you a post, as promised. I think the reason I don't write in this thing is because nothing worth telling the masses about happens to me often. And then when I think that my days couldn't get far more boring, I go back and read about them and they are even less exciting on LJ than in real life! Boooooo.
Just when I had about given up on relationships and dating, a change of events happened and it's been real great. Chase and I get along super great and we've had a really great time together. It's been really nice for a change. I'm happy for me even if oher people aren't!:)
We signed our lease for our apartment last weekend and we move this Friday. I'm not looking forward to moving but it'll be nice once we are settled. I'm gonna miss our apartment though, got a lot of good memories there. But we move this Saturday into a 2 bedroom in the building right by ours. It's pretty wild. And will be much nicer once it's done and over with.
I got my tax refund the other day in my bank account and I went to get groceries on an empty belly and got so much yums and they are in my kitchen right now. I made legit honey BBQ wings the other day and oooohhh man they were so good. I sauced them myself! MMM... I had 1/2 of a rink pizza a bit ago, but I could still fit them wings in me. All them groceries are gonna have to be moved, though, which is kind of a buzzkill really. But I can't eat em all this week!
I think that pretty well covers the basics. Karyn bought me some teardrops for my guitar hero guitar and when I am home I need to put them on. And throw some pics up too. I need to get more pictures on here anyway. It's becoming warm outside and I like that. I hate hippies and corporate America though. But I like global warming and warm weather. I'm really excited for summer time too.
On a final thought, I have been digging the tune "Megalomaniac" by Incubus. Never really paid much attention to it when it came out, but I've been real big on it lately. Great song. I love rediscovering music. I will try to keep up on this baby more often. SEEEEE YOOOUU!