And to anyone that reads this. Odd. Long time, no post. It's been a blahh last week or whatever its been. A few things post worthy I could make mention of I think. We got our new apartment. It's closer to the pool, but on the 3rd floor. I guess we'll find out if that makes much difference. It will be strange moving out of here, even though its just in a different building and will look identical to this one. Still going to be weird having a different apartment. At least for a while. So in the next few weeks I will be getting all my stuff ready to move. Weird. We've been here for a year. Now that's weird! I washed my car today. It was good. I need to get some places repainted because of this awful winter and the fact that they use road salt, as opposed to not using road salt. And plowing instead. Ughh. Thanks, Illinois. But my car looks good. Always does after a good bath. I passed the written exam for my CDL. I'm a step closer to getting to be a licensed bus driver!!!! You probably don't think it's exciting, but I do. Reeeally excited. I am soooo excited for it to be warm out. And it's happening reeeally soon. And that means summer is coming, and I am so totally stoked about that. Easter is coming and I'm really pumped about that too. Last Sunday I went to the St. Joe's passion play, which I haven't been to since like 2005 I think. Maybe 2006? It's been a long time. It was good. Really really weird being in that church, since I haven't been there in like 2 years. And seeing people I haven't seen for a long time. I met up with Christa who I haven't really held much conversation with since like 2003, when we last dated. It was awkward at first, but it actually was really cool. And we've been staying in touch since And I'm glad. She played a pretty big role in my past and it's sad when you lose that connection with someone. So hopefully it's something we can both work toward. That was pretty wild. I don't think much this week has happened. I had Chinese today and of course that was much yum, as always. I've been having these spells where I come home at the end of the evening, and I just all of a sudden get really down and alone feeling. I go the whole day doing just fine and good, then I get home and I just fall apart. I get angry for nothing, and I just get really lonely and depressed. It's been good tonight so far, but the last couple nights haven't been so much the same. I hope I snap out of it because it's really lame. I'm working toward a better me. Karyn and I conversed about some pretty deep stuff about me and changes in my me since like I guess she's known me. Some good stuff, some bad. Some things I might try to work on and some things I personally like about who I am. I'm not getting into all that, but it was a constructive conversation, or so I'd like to think. Today after our private rental did a no show, I was out of work a little bit early. After Chinese, I washed the Taurusaurus and Karyn met my mom. And it was good. Really good. And NOT intimidating. We went to the park and hanged out for a bit and Andrew stopped by and visited. Then we went to the Pekin Library and went to the Pekin historical room. Really fascinating stuff, to be honest. Nothing about any of the three roller rinks that Pekin has housed, but whatever. Unfortunately, I still identify really close with Pekin even though it's not that great. Everything I do still seems to end up there. And I was getting kind of sad looking through Pekin's past and seeing what a booming and successful town it has. It might have had a racist rep, but it had a strong economy and there was things to do. And people wanted to be there. The down town was incredible. And the old signs, and the old cars, and the small roadways. If I could go back to any time period ever, I would definitely have wanted to see anything between about 1920 and 1970. I could have spent hours in that room, not that we spent 3 hours there or anything... But seriously, so good. After we left there, I drove the Bonnie. It was a really swell car. And we went to Buffalo Wild Wings first but Pekin was already there, so we went to Old Chicago. Good times were had this evening as well. I have a picture of the Pekin Mall as it was being built, and also of Pekin during a black out in 1942. The top picture would be the normal Court Street, and the bottom is during the black out. Hense the abundance of, well, black. Well Ljay, you have done good. And I been copying and pasting everything into Word... just in case... Now endure the feeling of knowing that you've been waiting for an LJ for this long, and now you've done read my most current. It's kind of the same feeling as being 7 years old, the night of Christmas!! Picture time!!