2007 March Interview

Mar 01, 2007 22:15

So. I like memes. Don't shoot me.

Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I will respond by asking you five questions. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation, and ask five questions of anyone who replies.

kuchren asked:
1. One thing you'd like to do before you die, regardless of how "impossible" it is?
I'd like to ride a hover craft designed by me. :D

2. In your opinion, what is your strongest trait?
Its hard to think of good things about myself... o_o; My optimism? I suppose. It helps me think of a lot of things - especially when coming up with ideas or solutions (this does not apply to coding).

3. What is your favorite food [to eat]?
I like too much food. D: ... but my most favorite is Potato-cakes. However, the increase in price from 0.70cents to 0.80cents has reduced my obsession considerably. u_u;

4. Who/what is your favorite fictional character?
Solen. No doubt about it. He's the HOTTEST MALE FICTIONAL CHARACTER ever read by me. His development in the beginning was so complex and intriguing. PLUS he can wind-walk (a form of flying in the book)... from the same book, I also like the character Glynna a lot. A character shining bright in exceptional circumstances. *o*

5. One thing you're well-known for?
I'm famous? =P ... I would be well-know for being short...? I'm wishing it was something more dazzling than a matter of height.

If anyone likes, they can throw 5 questions at me for me to answer. If I can interview you - you should also have the right to interview me. Equal opportunity.

Meanwhile, I shall be sprucing up my resume. To impress. *salutes*

daily news, quizes & memes

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