Inforamtion Systems Open Day 2006

Aug 21, 2006 00:26

My life can turn into ... the comedy parts of an anime/manga/drama. I really don't doubt it for a second. What happened today was so... ._.;

I think this has been one of the coolest Open Days yet... probably because I got to hang around food and drinks the whole day. Was serving on the cafe team~! Refreshed IS (information systems) and CS (computer science) peoples!

The Red Cordial Flood Event
A cordial flood. Like, it is seriously - the biggest mess I've made to date.

... we (Corrine and I) made red cordial... akifall was a proud spectator of events

Corrine: Let's just test the flavour to see if its okay (reasonable because the cordial was of large volume - more than 5 litres?)
Me: Okay ^^
Corrine: *holds out cup*
Me: *tries to release the tap - the whole cap comes off instead*
--- FLOOD ---
Everyone: O___O;
Me: *stuffs cap back on mid-flood*
Everyone: ... *stares at mess*

I was highly amused - yet, horrified at the same time.


I sincerely apologise to akifall, Albie and Corrine who had to mop up the mess. I guess particularly Corrine, who got a lot more cordial than she bargained for in the "taste test" =_=;

Other unordered events of the day included; off-milk, spillage, text-messaging, permission forms, running for hot water, scissors, stealing cups, bread, candy from isss (thanks to joey168), bad humour, coffee, blogging, photos, balloons, sticky tape, biscuits, squishy balls, cordial, paper planes, mobile phones, sausages, loitering, signs and SO MUCH MORE.

Want in on the fun? Volunteer for IS Open Day next year~! =P

Check out this link... - the blog of the days events. Where do I feature? ... yes... a flood of red cordial!!

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